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After I get done cleaning the kitchen I walk into the main room and begin to pick out a movie. There's so many. As I search through the alphabetized movies, the doorbell rings. I knew it was Harry's friends so I debated on going to get it myself or wait for Harry to come down and open it. I decided to just open the door. "Hey." One guys said as he looked me up and down. "Hi." I said uncomfortably. I turn around and walk towards the stairs trying to avoid anymore conversation.

"Wait." A female says causing me to turn around. "I'm sorry. He's and asshole. I'm Alex." She smiles as she walks towards me. "Eva." I tell her. About two more people walk in. "This is Zayn, Kyra, and Louis." She introduces as she point to each of them. "Whats up." Zayn smiles and looks me up and down again. I ignore him completely and say hi to Kyra and Louis.

"Where Harry?" Kyra asks. "I'll go get him." I tell her before going upstairs. I knock on his door before opening it. "Your friends are here." I tell him before walking off. I go into my room and shut the door.

Dammit. I forgot to pick a movie.

I go back downstairs and see everyone sitting down on the couch talking. "Eva why don't you come down here with us. We're practically friends now." Alex says when she see me walk over to the movie shelf. "She doesn't want to." Harry says as he looks up at me. I look over to him then back to Alex. "Harry shut up. Come on. We were about to watch a movie." Kyra says. Louis' arm is around her shoulder. They must be dating.

"No it's fine. I'll just watch one upstairs." I say before turning around and picking the first two movies I see not caring what they were. "Suit yourself." I hear Zayn mumble. I turn around and see him looking at me. I walk past them and up the stairs. I definitely do not want to sit down there and watch a movie with people I don't know. Harry included.

I'm guessing he doesn't want me down there anyway.

I turn on the DVD player and put in the first movie. Still not knowing or caring what it was or about. I walk over to the bed and get comfortable under the covers. I can stay in here all day honestly.

A couple of hours passed and I had no more movies to watch. I definitely do not want to go back downstairs. Maybe Harry has some movies in his room.

I walk across the hall to Harry's room and open the door. I walk in and notice that his room is one hundred percent different from mine. For starters it's all black. I walk over to the shelf in his room hoping to find at least one movie. I bend down to the bottom shelf and see books. My eyebrows furrow. I never took him as the reading type. I begin to look at the titles of the them.

Maybe I'll just read a book.

"Pride of the Prejudice"
"Romeo and Juliet"
"Mr. And Mrs. Fitzwilliam"

My eyes widen at how high level these books were. Of course I've read them all but I didn't think Harry would be into books like these. Classics I mean.

"What are you doing in here?" I hear Harry voice causing me to jump slightly. "I was looking for a movie. I didn't want to go downstairs." I tell him as he walks towards me. "They're aren't any in here. Get out." He say lowly. I sat the book down and walk past him out of the room.

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