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I wake up to the sun shining on my face. I sit up and climb out of bed. I go into the bathroom and decide to take a shower. I turn on the hot water and notice that I don't have a towel or a wash cloth. I go into the hallway and look in the closet. I don't see any. I decide to just ask Harry.

I knock on his door slowly and wait for him to open it. He opens the door and I look down at his surprisingly toned body. I looked up quickly. "Where are the towels?" I ask. I grin slowly forms on his face. "You can find them." He says before trying to close the door. "Just tell me." I tell him as I hold the door open. I'm getting irritated with his little attitude. Or whatever it is. "I said you'll find them. Move your hand." He says crudely.

"Your an asshole." I mumble as I let go of the door. "What?" He says. "I said your an asshole. A rude, inconsiderate asshole." I tell him causing his eyebrows to rise. "Thank you." He says sarcastically before shutting the door. I shake my head before going downstairs. Luckily Rick was in the kitchen. I haven't really spoken to him. He hasn't really been here.

"Good morning sweetheart." He smiled as he looks up to me. "Morning. Can you tell me where the towels are?" I ask. "There aren't any in the closet next to the bathroom?" He asks, I shake my head. "You can look in the dryer. There should be some in there." He says. "Thank you." I smile before walking past him.

I grab a towel and a wash cloth from the dryer just like he said and walk back towards the stairs. "Eva?" I hear him call out causing me to turn back around. "Yes?"

"How do you like your room so far?" He asks. "I love it. It's very comfortable." I smile slightly. "Good." He nods. "I'm sorry I haven't been here lately. Work." He apologizes. "It's fine. I understand. Are you working tonight?" I ask not really caring. "No. I'm off today." He says me nodding my head.

"Where's Susan?" I ask. "She still sleeping."

"Okay. Well thank you again for the towel." I say before walking away.

After my shower I put my clothes in the little basket next to the dresser and brush my teeth and wash my face. I decide to just climb back into bed and turn on the tv. Instead of watching a movie I decide to just watch whatever was on. About twenty minutes into the show my door swings open. "Do you not eat?" Harry asks as he walks in.

I ignore him. "Your not going to speak?" He asks. I continue to ignore him. "Whatever. Breakfast is ready." He chuckled before closing the door. I roll my eyes and climb out of bed. As I walk into the kitchen I see Susan putting food onto the plates and Harry and Rick sitting down at the table. "Good morning love." Susan smiles when she sees me. "Morning." I smile back. I help Susan take the plates to the table and sit down next to Harry.

"So Eva. Me and Susan were talking a couple of days ago and we noticed that you didn't have a phone so." Rick starts before placing a box on the table. My eyes widen. "I can't take that." I tell them. They both smile widely. "It's yours." Susan says. "A phone." Harry scoffs. They didn't hear him but I did. "Take it. Maybe Harry can show you exactly how to use it." Susan says as she looks over to him. I do the same and see him looking down at his food ignoring all of us.

"Thank you." I smile before taking the box and opening it slowly.

Fun fact. I've never actually owned a phone before. Well I have but that was just so I could call Mrs.Kyle if I needed her for something. Or vice versa. It was no where near as nice as this one though.

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