Part 2

215 11 5

At the hospital: min yoongi

I closed the restroom behind me as I made my way back in to the ED.


I turned my head following the direction of the voice, then my eyes caught the clinical director who was walking towards me.

"Oh, Anyoung haseyo" I bowed to him. He stopped in front of me.

"Dr Min, we have an unconscious patient coming in, please be on stand by, I have a meeting to attend so Bleep me if anything happens, okay" he said as he began walking off.

"Okay" I replied, then continued making my way to the ED.

As I walked through the door, I could hear my name being called.

"Yoongi, your patient is here" the nurse called.

I rushed to them, and looked at the patient. She had bruises all over her arms and a massive cut above her eyes socket. Poor girl, she must of suffered a lot. I took a closer look at her. Wait. Why does she look so familiar?

"What happened" I asked the paramedics.

"This is Kim EunSeo, she's 18, she fell down the stairs and got knocked out. The boyfriend was at the scene. It's been 20 minutes since she's been unconscious. Shes breathing, She's slightly Tachycardic at 109, bp 139/78, resps at 12" the paramedics listed as we took her to reuses and transferred her to the bed.

A boy, around her age came barging
Through the doors.

"Who's this" I asked the paramedic.

"The boyfriend" he whispered

"EunSeo" he came and grabbed onto her legs.

"What's your name" I asked

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook... Is she gonna be okay" he asked with a worried look on his face.

"Do you know her" I asked already knowing the answer

"Y-Yes, that's my girlfriend"

"Okay. Nurse, can you please take this relative to the relatives room please. we will let you know if there's any news."

"please, please take good care of her" he begged before following the nurse out of the room.

After dealing with the patient, I took her file and sat on the computer. I have a strong gut feeling I've seen her somewhere before.

I searched through her files, I stopped as I came across a weird pattern, in her medical records.

2 weeks ago she was admitted with 2 broken ribs.

6 weeks ago she was admitted to burns on her left arm.

9 weeks ago she was admitted with a dislocated shoulder.

I'm shocked. How could someone put up with so much injures. Is she putting up with domestic violence? I wonder. I heard a knock at my door.

"come in" I answered

The nurse popped her head in " your patient woke up"

I nodded, closing the file. " I'm coming"


I finally opened my eyes after few attempts.  Then closed them shut as a bright white light shined in my eyes. I turned to my side and I looked around, this place seemed familiar.

I could feel a throbbing pain in my head. I put by hand on my forehead but I couldn't feel my skin but a dressing. I moved my hand around my head feeling it. It was all wrapped around. I put my hand down and look at them, they're all bruised. My eyes get watery and I could feel tears running down my face. When will all this end? When will my suffering end? I got chocked up trying to stop myself from crying. I suddenly heard knocking at the door. I quickly wiped my tears and cleared my throat. They can't know I'm crying because they would start asking questions. I can't have that so I tried my best to look "normal".

A man and a women walked in and stood at the end of the bed.

"Hi, I'm Jess, one of the nurses that is looking after you, and this is Dr Min Yoongi" she said pointing at the guy.

He walked closer and pulled a chair that was near the bed and sat on it.
"how are you feeling" he asked looking at me with a smile on his face.

" I'm good, I'm fine. No pain" I lied and put on a fake smile. I have to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Do you remember what happened" he asked in a concerned tone

What am I going to say, "I fell down the stairs" no, I used that one last time. " I got robbed, and the thefts attacked me" I wouldn't even buy the story. Shit.

"I was cooking and There was some oil on the floor, I didn't see it and I accidentally slipped on it" I lied again

They both looked at each other with confused look on their face.

"W-what is it" I asked looking at him then her then back at him.

"T-that's not what we were told" the nurse said with that confused look in her face.

Shocked at what she just said, I began low key panicking. Oh my god, do they know?This is not happening. Did they arrest jungkook? What is happening?

"What were you told" I asked praying that they don't know.

The doctor looked at me, and gently rubbed the back of my hand " it's okay" he said, it almost sounded like a whisper.

They know. Who told them? How did they find out?

I pushed his hand off.

" look, listen. It's not what is looks like, he loves me. He just has this really small bad temper. Yes, he hits me like this but it's not as bad as you think" I began defending myself and jungkook.

"what are you talking about? We were told you fell Down the stairs"

Shell shocked, I Froze. Did I just throw myself under the bus?

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