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Calum POV

As Lucy started playing she only 18, Luke and Michael Started singing and Ashton started drumming. Then i saw someone bring my other bass out and hand it to me and same with Michael but a guitar. Alexis look like she was having so much fun. Remind me to get her number.

Michael POV

We were all playing instruments on the stage singing and dancing until someone in my ear said we had to continue on the show. Calum looked over and smile at Lucy then telling her to stop playing and Luke did the same to Alexis.

I kept looking at Lucy. The way her hair shines under the light, her darkish brown eyes, I really like her and I barely know her.


After the concert I went back stage and talk to management about staying another day in Seattle. They debated but eventually said yes.

Right before the girls got off stage i got their numbers from Dave so I texted Lucy.

to: Lucy CoOl AsS mOfO
Hey, it's Michael ya know from 5sos that bands concert ever you rock that bass

Moments later my phone buzzed.

from: Lucy CoOl AsS mOfO
Hey Michael. Thank you for choosing me to come up on stage last night. My friend has been bugging me about it all night.

To: Lucy CoOl AsS mOfO
It thought you were Hot. do I picked you.

to: Lucy CoOl AsS mOfO
that sounded bad. but I'm staying for another day if you want to do something tomorrow?

from: Lucy CoOl AsS mOfO
Are you asking me on a date?

To: Lucy CoOl AsS mOfO
I guess I am. Have any suggestion?

From: Lucy CoOl AsS mOfO
Yeah there is this place called Hop Jacks. Best Mac and cheese ever! I'm dying just thinking about it. Also good Beer. but I'm underage so.

To: Lucy CoOl AsS mOfO
Hop Jacks it is then. I can't wait to see you :-) where should I pick you up?

from: Lucy CoOl AsS mOfO
Shit I'm so fucking awkward. I live about 45minutes away from Seattle so I'll send you my address.

22643 NW 271st AVE Maple Valley, WA

See you soon. I have gotta go before this gets any more awkward.

To: Lucy CoOl AsS mOfO
Ok pick you up at 8:00 :-)

A/N - Okay this is a filler. But guys I'm so fucking awkward. but what ever. Comment if you have this book in your library! Vote and comment :) Love you guys and thank you for voting:)

- Emma :)

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