Truth Will Be Told

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Jade POV

Ugh. Who opened the goddamn drapes? Didn't they know it was a crime against nature to deprive someone from their beauty sleep. Especially if that someone was me.

I threw my duvet over my face and turned around so my back faced the light, as I kept my eyes closed. Much better.

I stretched out on my bed and my hand reached out to the other side of the bed out of a new habit. It searched for a sign of a breathing being. It found nothing. The other side of my bed was cold and empty. *Sigh* . The universe didn't want me to sleep.

"Taco?" I called out for my adorable little husky pup. I really needed to give him a new name.

What?! Wait?! Did you think I was referring to Harry when I looked for the being? You naughty minded reader. I may have moved into Harry's new flat. But that didn't consist of me sleeping in the same bed as him, ene less to sleep in the same room as him. Lucky for me he bought a flat with more than one room. I wonder why?  

I received no answer whatsoever. Yep, I would definitely have to get up. I breathed out heavily. I swung my legs off the bed and felt the soft carpet underneath my feet. I got up on my feet and trudged out of my room towards the bathroom. If I was going to get up, I might as well take a shower.

I walked into the bathroom my feet being the first to notice the change. My body felt the cold chill rise up from the intricate tiled floor up my feet and spread. I took off my clothes, dropped them on the floor and got into the shower stall. My hand fumbled with the shower knob and finally the water fell and caressed my body. I stood there under the water for quiet a while before I chose to actually scrub myself clean. I shampooed my hair, lathering it with cherry blossom fragrant shampoo. After I washed all the suds off and felt like I had finally awakened. I closed the water and stepped out into the steam filled bathroom. I grabbed one of the fluffy towels from the hanger and wrapped it around my body and another around my hair. My hair was getting pretty long, in a need of a new hair cut. I grabbed my dirty clothes and hoped Harry was somewhere else or out so I could sneak back into my room unseen.

I cracked open the door and glanced both ways. No one was out. Good. I walked quickly out of the bathroom towards my room, almost slipping on the water dripping off of me. Once I finally made it back to my room, I dropped my dirty clothes in my hamper and quickly got into some underwear and bra set. Now the thing was to look for an outfit. Not that I had a lot of clothes or anything since I 'ran away'. According to Bennett I had to make sure even on my regular outings I had to look gorgeous for the public and blah blah blah blah. So now I had to hurt my head to get into an outfit of Bennett's liking. I searched through my walk-in closet that was a bit vacant. I would buy clothes once I found my own apartment which Brielle was up looking for.

My only Bennett qualified options involved skirts, heels or both. I don't do skirts for regular outings, so I would have to do heels. Or maybe I wouldn't have to. A pair of oxfords would do. Bennett should be happy I even spent time in making this outfit.

I slipped into red skinny jeans and a beige polka dotted blouse. I got into some cozy sock and wore my beige oxfords I thought I would never wear. I lulled my hair back into a ponytail, towel dried and moved onto my make-up that didnt take long. It consisted on some mild foundation use, eye liner and lip gloss. Shades were a necessity and I placed them in with my wallet, phone and other small things I would need in my purse. Now to go look for taco. I made my way towards the living room, dropped my purse on the enter table and began to look for a white husky pup.

Why did they call him Taco? Seriously needed to find a name. I searched under the couch, behind, under the table the kitchen and no sign of him. The door was locked so he couldn't have left. There was only one room open besides mine and that was Harry's. I jogged from the living room towards Harry's room stopped in front of his door. The door was open and I resumed the rest of my way tip toeing. And like I had concluded Taco had some how found his way on Harry's nightstand and was ready to jump onto Harry asleep under his covers. So he was still capable of sleeping but not me. Hmph.

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