Chapter 4

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Part 4

I look at the girl opposite me she has rich brunette hair that had a natural bounce and great volume this hair complimented her stunning dreamy hazel eyes. Her naturally tanned skin was radiant. Her pink rose lips smiled seductively. Her figure was all a girl could dream for. She was stunning. I couldn’t believe that girl was me.

I grabbed my fur coat and headed off to meet Keri

“Bye sweetheart” mom called

“Bye” I yelled in response and ran out as quick as I could before she saw what I was wearing.

“Oh my gosh DANNI” Keri squealed

“What, I look like an idiot don’t i?” I complained

“NO! You look absolutely amazing.” She said softly

“Really…Thanks” I replied confidently

“I hate to think how much the contacts must have cost for your mother “

“She was shocked I even asked but after I got round her she gave in, that’s the magic of being an only child” I boasted

Keri laughed as if I was crazy.

“Theo is gonna wish he never broke up with you.” She looked at me in awe.

We walked and talked all the way to school, which I really regretted as my heels were beginning to kill me. I was so nervous, as I have never gone to school dressed in such a ‘cool’ way and I just didn’t have the slightest clue as to how everyone would react.

As we entered the school gates, I felt all eyes glued to me and people’s loud conversations turn into whispers.

“I told you she was hot” a guy in a group argued

This boosted my confidence and I began to walk more proudly.

As we made our way to our seats, the attention that I was getting as I entered homeroom was surprising, the guys that usually called me nerd and dork were the ones that we looking lustfully at me, which meant that my plan was working but it kind of freaked me out as I wasn’t used to that kind of attention, I mean not even Chelsea King got that kind of attention and she was the hottest girl in the school.

My thoughts were interrupted by something Amy said.

“Yeah they’re dating don’t they just make a cute couple.”

 Just before I could join in with the gossip in front of the doorway, interlocked were Theo and Chelsea making out.

Whistles erupted in the room, causing my eyes to water even more. I sat there looking like a freak just staring at them different emotions came flooding in.

I couldn’t look at it any longer.

And just when I stood up to run out the room, something in me told me to sit back down and force the tears back.

This is what he would have wanted for me to be crying like a baby over him well that aint going to happen and in an instance my sadness flipped into anger.

 “You ok?” Keri asked concerned

“Yeah I’m good” I replied looking blank

“Don’t let them bother you hun, just stick to your plan, what ever that is” she smiled

 “Your right”

 They proudly walked hand in hand oblivious to people around them.

Theo gave me a quick glance smiling in a friendly way not knowing who I was

Until he recognised me all guilt just struck his face, and not once did I show emotion for he was not to know how he hurt me. And with that I began a fresh conversation with Keri and Amy as if I had no care in the world.  

Hope u liked it guys please comment as I would love to hear you idea’s as to what Danni should do to get even with Theo.

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