Chapter 7

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Hey guys im back ...sorry for taking so long, ive been having a lot of work from college this is Part 7 i hope u enjoy plz comment i'd love to hear what you think about it.

"You should have just let him say whatever he wanted to say" keri said

"which i did but he had nothing to say" i replied

"listen Danni you can tell he's still into you , just forgive him and forget you backup plan

"WHAT!" i exclaimed

"I think you've pretty much got him back, by showing him what he’s missing out on”

I guess she had a point.

Sometimes I did think that I was overreacting but then I remember the spiteful words and Theo and Chelsea together. That just puts me back in my tracks.

“Uh hell no! that boy is gonna pay whether you think he should or shouldn’t, im sick of being humiliated and people thinking that they can get away with it, im not letting it happen anymore.

Keri gave me a your-gonna-regret-this look and said;

“well if that’s what you want”

The way she said that made me uneasy.

“ye… yeh of course” I said unconvincingly.

She gave me another funny look and turned around to look for her pyjamas.

She was sleeping over my house and usually I loved it when she came over but her non-stop talk about Theo was beginning to get on my nerves. It was bad enough that he was all I could think about. Oh here I go again  why did I still have feelings for him after what he did, urrgh life could be so unfair why did I ever say yes to him when he first asked for a date with me I, I was always such a cheese ball around him well not for any longer he wa…

“so have you done Miss Smiths homework?” Keri snapped me out of my thoughts

“Yup” I said proudly with the biggest grin on my face

She raised an eyebrow

“Even after the “new image” you cant help but be a geek can you brianiac” she grunted

“uh excuse me have you not heard that geek is the new chic, anyways I just wanna be on top of everything”

“oh yeh like you wanna be better than Chelsea”  Keri loved twisting my words such a shame she was bad at it

“no Chelsea is the last person on my mind”

“oh why yes of course how could I have forgotten, the only person on your mind is Theo” she sniffled

“well in a way he has to be if I wanna get even”

“get even, plz your just trying to reel him in again which is a shame seeing as Chelsea has him wrapped around his finger” she said confidently

“that’s what you think” I mumbled hitting her with my pillow

“oi no pillow fights remember iv matured from that “ she said smugly “but ill have to get even so its fair “ she said again pounding me with her pillow not realising she just started a pillow war!

“Hahahaha” we collapsed in a laughing heap.

My phone vibrated in my pocket

I checked my phone… It was theo


My smile dropped

“who is it hun” keri questioned heading for my en suite (the joys of being an only child)  luckly for me not noticing my facial expression

“oh its just um…my cousin checking how I am” which was ironic considering she never text me EVER.

What was Theo doing in my back yard , wasn’t what  I told him enough for him to back off, oh well I guess in a way my plan was slowly working.

“oh that’s nice” keri wondered back in

“whats nice ?”

“your cousin checking up on you duh”

“oh yeh I kno it is aint it ?” I fibbed

She looked at me puzzled and shook her head

“ well im tired going to bed , make some room then “ she said yawning

I moved from my double bed and put my cute slippers on.

“where you  off to?” keri’s eyes drooping

“just getting some water”

“that better be all your getting”  she said suspiciously

I hated lying to keri because she could always tell when I wasn’t telling the truth but luckly for me her eyes were shut.

“of course”

I made my way silently and slyly down stairs and opened the back door.

I looked at him and was overwhelmed by how gorgeous he was but that didn’t stop me from getting angry

“What are you….”

Before I knew it Theo’s lips were locked onto mine, and we were wrapped in a warm embrace despite how cold I was. My mind told me to stop but I just couldn’t it was as if his kiss had control over my whole body like a drug. I pulled him closer knowing full well that I was getting drawn in. My heart fluttered with excitement as if it as my first kiss.

I couldn’t believe I was doing this even after what he did. That’s when I realised that this was going to completely ruin my plan. And almost instantly I ripped myself away from him, I touched my lips were he had just been and looked at him. He looked hotter than usual and very surprised .

“What the hell!” I screamed pretty loudly forgetting that my mom and Keri where sleeping.

“Danni I can’t stop thinking about you, I didn’t mean what I said, jus give me another…”

I stopped him in his tracks

“what makes you think that you can come waltzing in here, kiss me and expect to get back with me”

He looked hurt.

“listen Danni , I’m sorry for what iv done, I’m gonna end it with Chelsea so we can be together again” he said softly and sweetly .

Running his hand through his hair; He looked so fine when he did that, but I knew he was using it as a distraction to get closer to me, I move back knowing that I can’t control myself around him. I looked into his gem-like emerald eyes that made me want to smother him in kisses.

“No way, there is no way I’ll ever get back with you after the way you embarrassed me”

His eyes flashed with annoyance, he hated rejection.

“Embarrassed you, no one even knew we were dating and even if they did I think the person who aught to be embarrassed is me” he said spitefly . I looked at him tears welling up in my eyes.

“Danni I didn’t mean it like that” he said realising what he had just said

I gave him a hard slap on the cheek that caused my hand to sting furiously. I slammed the door in his face ran upstairs and jumped into my bed.

“Forget what that bastard said hun, just stick to your plan, and it’ll be all good “Keri said softly “sleeping” turning around to give me a hug as she did so. What would I do without my best friend?


Theo has put himself into hot water this time

So what do think of this chapter?



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