We Never Were

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Just to give you a clear glance of what her locket looks like ^^

The History of the locket is that (in the New world) Niklaus and Damera had a quarrel as to Ellijah and Niklaus not letting her have the time to court or marry.

Court= date but the old- fashioned way of saying it

As an apology Niklaus crafted the locket for her from both the brother with a cheesy remark as to keeping their precious bird from the vulgar men out in the world. Which just led to Damera's amusement and felt touched as to the reason why they don't want her to be hurt by "vulgar" men.

The Locket itself is encased with the fragrant of ginger lily (my favorite flower) along with the hint of lavender, in reminder of the lavender from the fields that Nikalus and her hung out for hours on end.

The tree is to represent the Family, and the stone behind the tree (pretend its a blue stone) is a talisman.

*Third POV

As they talked Damera bumped into someone, she looked up to see Finn.

Then a silence followed. 

Carol noticed a tension so she spoke first, "Damera Rose this is Finn, one of the Mikaelsons", Finn looked confused then realised that Carol didn't know of their relation so he went with it. He took her hand and kissed it. "It is a pleasure Miss Damera Rose" he said in amusement. Damera just stared in annoyance. Few seconds later a woman called for Carol, "Finn, please show her around, Damera I'm really sorry bu-", Damera cut her off "Carol, it's fine, you're the mayor love I understand" Damera chuckled. Carol's eyes softened "Fine but we have to catch up, Finn do take care of her", Finn nodded and Carol headed off.

"So Miss Rose, shall I take you to Mother" Finn said, Damera glanced at him and nodded and headed upstairs whilst Finn fell back for a bit as he watched her figure walk away. He looked at her in a gentle way before following her.

She came up to a door with Finn behind, the smell of sage hit her. Sage? must be important then.

Finn opened the door for her and she stepped in, as soon as she did she took a deep breath because her eyes landed on Esther.

"Damera, I have missed you" Esther looked at her in sadness. 

Dismissing what her mother said, "What was the matter at hand you'd like to speak to me about, Esther" Damera emphasised on the name. Finn looked down as Esther looked straight on as if she knew or expected that.

"I like to give you an opportunity, to be a mortal. You'd keep your powers, but don't worry, I'll rid of that side of yours so you can just live on as the Mikaelson's witch, my prodigy" Damera looked astounded. 

"What?"Damera and Finn replied at the same time, Damera glanced at Finn realising he didn't know of this. "Mother, this wasn't what we dicusse-" Esther cut him off, "Finn, enough".

Damera looked back at her biological mother, "You mean to say you'd want to get rid of my father's legacy. Have you no shame at this decision, you want to give me the chance to get rid of whats left of my biological father" Esther looked down then back up at her.


Damera's, overwhelmed by the response broke the windows with her powers. 

"NO, you called me all the way here for this. I refuse th-"

"A creature like you shouldn't even existed in the first place", the room filled with silence. Damera couldn't believe the words that came out, "Why, why shouldn't I have existed? Maybe you shouldn't have gave birth to me, even better you should killed me before I came to the world" at those words Esther snapped and slapped Damera.

"Don't you talk like that to your mother" Esther said in fury, Damera turned her had and cried out "Mother?", Damera scoffed, "WHEN HAVE YOU BEEN A MOTHER TO ME", Esther's eyes glossed whilst Damera cried out, "You've never paid me any attention. Always scolding me for whatever I did, always telling me what I couldn't do" Damera took a breath and whispered out, "We may be blood but we share no bond nor relation of such" Esther let out a tear, Finn just stood in the room in silence. 

"If that was all you wanted then I'll take my leave", and with that Damera hurried off and slammed the doors open with her powers and shut it as she left the room.

Finn looked up at his mother and said "You should've told her sooner about herself" and went off to get Elena.

The mother dropped to her knees in cried out. 

"Roan, why did you have to leave" she burst out into the air.

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