Sister Dear

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*Third POV

Elijah spoke first, "About mother, I'm worried about her". "Have you not noticed her strange behaviour?", He looked to both girls and the girls looked at each other.

"Ellijah, she was dead for a thousand years, how strange do you want?" Rebekah remarked but then noticed Damera in deep thoughts. "Damera, not you too", she whined. 

"Burnt Sage" Elijah said out loud, "She was doing a privacy spell".

She noticed Damera turn her head to Ellijah, "Before I even walked into the house, the smell of burnt sage hit me, she used it yesterday too when we were talking. I think it was from last night" she told the two. Both Rebekah and Elijah thought about until Rebekah spoke, "wait, mother spoke to you in private?", Elijah also found it odd. Surely mother would've mentioned that the sister they deemed dead is coming yesterday at least as a heads up. 

"You know what, she fancies such things. Also why not ask Finn, he dotes on her".

"I don't trust Finn, he's always hated what we are and always will", Rebekah quickly responded, "that's not true and as for mother, she returned for one reason - to make the family whole again".

At the last few words Damera thought about the conversation from last night, something doesn't seem right.

"What did you and mother talk about?", Elijah turned to Damera. Damera pondered if now was the time to mention it.

"I was hoping to discuss this with everyone but now seems like a better time then ever". 

"Is this about what you and Kol were on about last night", Rebekah said as she looked at Damera with an accusing look. 

"Kol, I hope you didn't tell the other about that side of yet"

Ellijah looked confused, "What do you mean Rebekah, what are you on about", he looked at his youngest sister for an answer. Damera seemed quite nervous as Rebekah's stare continued to hold her. Damera wasn't sure if it was the right time to tell her about that.

"Bekah, now isn't the ti-", Rebekah had enough, "Damera, please no. Nothing is going on and you're hiding things. You never did", she looked with a sad expression. "You have to start telling us what happened, why you're alive when we were told you had ran away with no explanation".

Ellijah added on, "Mother told us you were ripped apart by the werewolves, she didn't let us see your body in fear of scarring us at the sight of your 'corpse'", he pointed out. Rebekah pushed on, "What did you talk about with Mother that night", she looked curiously at Damera but no answer was said.

Rebekah felt quite angered, "It's not like you were ever there for us, you could've came to find us but you probably wondered off being free whilst we had to survive on our own. In fact, you probably ran away because you couldn't the way mother and father treated you and ran away", both older siblings looked at her in shock. 

"Rebekah", Ellijah sternly said, "that's enough".

Damera felt quite hurt by that. "Yes, Rebekah. It's not like I had been kicked out, forced out into the world as a naive girl wondering about and thinking on how to survive on my own. At least you had each other whereas I had no one to turn too", she shook her head in disbelief at what her little sister had said. She quickly composed herself. "We'll discuss this later Elijah, I have things to do", and she walked off.

Rebekah realised what she said and regretted it. "Elijah..", Elijah just shook his head at her and followed Damera out.

*Time skip

Just as Damera unlocks her car Elijah comes up behind her, "Damera, Why", she looked confused.

"Why come out to us now, you left us thinking you were dead. You must have your reasons but did you never once come looking for us?", Elijah confessed. Damera stayed silent.

"You left us Damera and we mourned you, did you not think of us", he waited for a reply but nothing so he carried on,"Mother said you ran away, and that you ended up getting attacked by wolves because it was a full moon the night of the turning for us, we all assumed you ran out on u-"he got cut off.

"Elijah", he looked at her, "Enough", she looked at him with regret sitting on her face.

"I looked at you guys for over a 1000 years, the amount of time I wanted to come out and say 'hey, I'm alive' filled my mind daily. I wanted to join in all the things you guys did. I watched you all become each other's rock whereas I had to stay in the shadows because even whilst mother was proclaimed dead she still screwed me over, preventing me from ever coming in contact with you guys. I suffered alone while you all had one another, even with Klaus daggering everyone I could not intervene." Elijah looked loss for words.

"What do you mean you couldn't?"Elijah found the words.

"It means I couldn't, my self became my burden the moment I found out the truth. No, she made it my burden to bear. Father? he just stood back and let it happen and when he found out that I was never his child, what did he do. Just sit back and become clueless to my bloody existence."Damera spit out. 

"While you mourned for me I was out in the wilderness, alone like a fool with nothing but her self. No food, shelter or a companion -just me and the cold harsh snow but I survived, like I had to my whole life, by myself. So no Elijah, I didn't run away. I was chased out by the fools you once call parents so think before accusing me of such" Damera's eyes glossed.

"You all had your always and forever, whereas I had a 1000 years to spend with no one by my side".

 She abruptly opened the door of her car and drove away.

Leaving Elijah behind with regrets to his and Rebekah's word.

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