What A Morning

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Her Outfit is similar to this one (the 1st one, second one is only for shirt reference) ^^, including the sunglasses- Also remember her hair is short

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Her Outfit is similar to this one (the 1st one, second one is only for shirt reference) ^^, including the sunglasses- Also remember her hair is short

*Third POV

Next morning arrived and she woke up in her bed.

She got up and showered and put on clothes (isn't wearing a jacket rn, but a black shirt)

She started making coffee for herself until she got a knock on the door. Odd, and odd indeed because she just moved yesterday and no one else knows where she lived.

She got to the door and prepared to defend herself, there was nothing but a note at her doorstep she picked it up and read it.

Come have visit us for breakfast 

- Kol

Love you sis

Damera chuckled Of course Kol.

She got into her car (was mentioned in previous chapters), and drove to the Mikaelson Mansion where the ball was held last night.

She got out the car and looked at the house. It looked different in daytime, although luxuries it looks homely, as though there was a warm family inside. But also an essence of an empty void.

She got to the door only for it to be opened by itself

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She got to the door only for it to be opened by itself. They may be indestructible vamps but would it kill them to at least have some self aware to security. 

She walked and walked on until she came to see a room with Klaus, Kol, Elijah and Rebekah, who is questionably still in the same dress as last night.  She lingered by the door to hear what was going on.

"well, well, well there's our girl", Rebekah glared, "Out of my way Kol"but he blocked her path

 "out all night, what a scandal" Kol smirked.

Same old Kol, riling up Rebekah once again.

"I trust you did better then that commoner, Matt was it?"

Matt?  No, probably a coincidence

"if you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth" Rebekah sneered out. Kol put his hands up as if to surrender. Niklaus started to grin and Rebekah looked at him "don't start Nik".

"I didn't say anything" Klaus said.

Elijah noticed me, "Damera, do come in", everyone looked at me.

"Kol, I received your note but I promised someone else I'd be eating with them so uh..", as she held the note. Kol looked like a defeated pup, then had a grin appear on his face.

Rebekah stood in embarrassment at the fact that her one favourite sibling saw her in a current state and so she faced away. 

"Sister dear, so happy you can join us for this morning, we still have plenty of time in the world to catch up so I wouldn't fret about it now" Niklaus said and Damera smiled, "Yes, we do have all the time"

Damera noticed Rebekahs stiffened posture, confused she asked "Rebekah, why are you still in the same dress?", Rebekah turned around whilst the other boys snickered "maybe another time", and just as she thought she escaped Kol made an announcement.

"I'm bored"


He sighed, "Our sister is a strumpet but at least she's having fun" Kol eye pointed at Rebekah as she sighed. Elijah directed Damera to take a seat while it happened but she shook her head to say it was fine.

"I need entertainment", Kol looked at Niklaus when he said that. Nik looked up, "What are you waiting for?, go on,have at it". Kol pouted, "It's not fun to go alone, join me Nik" he whined and looked at Nik again. However Niklaus ignored it until Kol said, "It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart". At this Damera looked at Klaus and he looked at Damera due to her uncomfortable stare, "Niklaus, what does he mean dagger in my heart". Niklaus eyes wide open put down the book he had held in his hands and looked to Kol "Ok, why not" and started to get up. "I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night with you trying to murder Rebekah's date". This time Damera's gaze changed to Kol, "Kol". Kol turned to her and just smiled as if an innocent child would to avoid the scolding. 

"Yes please go this house has enough men rolling around in it" Rebekah spoke out. Kol replied "Just like you Bekah" as he started to head out with Klaus. But before they were out the door Kol and Klaus turned to Damera.

"Join us" at the same time they spoke and turned their heads to each other. It was a weird moment because the image of the twins from the shining popped up in her head. "Later, I'll be in Mystic Grills the whole day". The two satisfied with the answer headed off.

Then it was awkward. 

"So, how was your morning", Damera asked to the two in the the room.

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