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What her eyes looks like - imagine the blue but the same shape and brow shape as the one in the left

*Time skip

To Damera's surprise turns out Matt was working at Mystic Grills so she said she'll be back later for more drinks.

She wandered around the town for a bit until evening so she headed back for more drinks.

Taking a seat by the bar she called for a bartender and Matt showed up, "Hey buddy", Damera smiled at him "Hey".

"So want anything or wanna surprise yourself with my choice of recommendation" Damera pondered like a child as Matt pointed at himself with a smug smile, "Your choice, surprise me buddy", Matt's eyes glinted," Surprise it it and first one on the house but shhhh, keep it a secret", Matt winked and so did Damera and waited for Matt to make a drink.

It took a while and then Matt came with a drink and slid to my hand's. It looked classy, my kinda style it was a bourbon neat but had a sweet herbal smell to it.

"Matt, you made this? I'm impressed", she took a sip and sighed "Ahh, this is smooth", and raised her glass to show her appreciation and Matt chuckled. "As much as I want to talk again, I gotta work so have fun drinking loner and also avoid the jerky, its not really meat" he whispered at the end and wondered off to serve other people. Damera laughed, shook her head and drank.

She heard a voice "Divide and Conquer" she looked towards the sound of the voice and it sounded like the terrible flirt from a phone. She noticed a blonde man with stubbles talking on the phone and listened in. "First we'll need a little blonde distraction" and with that a blonde haired girl walked into the place. Damera found her gorgeous but suspicious as the girl gave the guy on the phone a look, she looked to where the girl was headed and turns out her two brother's were here.

She let it be for a bit until the girl walked off and started to walk towards the two boys.

She heard Klaus, "Isn't she stunning" to Kol. Kol eyed Klaus cheekily.

"She certainly looks good walking away from you"Kol remarked with a smirk and Klaus rolled his eyes.

Damera walked up to them, "here are my two idiotic boys".

"Sister" Both brother said at the same time, smiling. Damera shook her head idiots.

She took a seat besides them and asked, "Who looks good walking away?", she turned to the two. Kol nodded at Klaus and so she focused her eyes on him.

"Come, I'll introduce her to you", and got out he seat and offered an arm to his sister, she looked over to Kol and his just nodded.

"Go on, I'll be waiting here", she nodded back and took Niklaus's arm and walked with him.

Klaus quickened his pace and Damera easily followed along with the speed he was going. Bearing in mind there were humans around as he walked in a fast human pace.

"Caroline", he shouted out as a car rushed past in from of him. Damera looked at him in annoyance.

The blonde walking away turned around at Klaus and stopped on the spot.

"Are you serious, take a hint?", she looked at him in annoyance. Damera got a closer look at her, Klaus was right, she is a stunner.

"Don't be angry love", saying as he walked to her stopped. Damera caught up to them, she saw the girl looking at her confused. But Niklaus started talking.

"Come on Caroline, don't be angry love. we had a little spat", Caroline sighed.

"I'm over it already", Klaus looked at her in hope but Caroline's face said otherwise.

"Ah well I'm not" then Caroline thought to bring up the girl behind them. "And who's that?, I guess you found someone else to hook up with any way", she said with a little annoyance.

Klaus was about to say something but got cut off by a hysterical laugh. Beautiful but hysterical.

"Pwhahaha", the laughter continued which attracted strange eyes at her. She hunched back with her arms around her torso, she held her hands up.

Caroline looked kinda pissed, "What's so funny". It didn't help that she saw Klaus with an amused face.

"Damera, this is the lovely Caroline. Caroline, this is Damera - my sister", Caroline's face fell and her face heated up a bit.

Damera flashed her a charming smile, "Hello Caroline, Damera Rosalin Mikaelson at your service", and reached out her hand for Caroline to take. Caroline, embarrassed, reached for her hand but was taken in surprise when Damera turned it around and pecked her hand. Caroline's heart sped up a bit at the gesture from a her. 

She took a good look at Damera and realised how pretty she was- she felt envious at her beauty. Plump lips with a natural rogue tint to the lips, thick smooth short rich chocolate hair, slender arms and fingers. thick brows that looked groomed neatly, smooth fair skin and even her body was perfect with all the right curves. Her eyes were what caught Caroline off, one light brown like almost looked amber and the other blue like the ocean.

Damera smiled smugly because she could see Klaus annoyed at the corner of her eyes, she couldn't help but tease him.

Caroline was staring into her eyes like she was in a trance.

"Lovely to meet you", and let her hand free which Caroline felt sad about because off the loss of warmth from her hand. Niklaus stared in annoyance at his sister trying to woo her.

Caroline was trying to make words outing shook her head until she realised.

"Wait, sister?", she looked at Klaus in disbelief, "You have another sister?, how many of you are there? geez Klaus", Caroline said in wonder.

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