Steve Imagine for Amber

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Prompt: She's having a bad day so Steve takes her on his motorbike to the mountains and stargazes there for awhile then she's happier (Fluff ending).

A/N: First of all, Thank you to Yavanna80 for the idea!

That day was the worst day of your life. Your dad had died. (A/N: I'm really sorry if your has actually died recently, if he has, just a coincidence. Sorry again). He was in a car crash and they couldn't save him (if this has happened, just a coincidence). When your mum told you, you immediately broke down in tears. She told you over the phone as you were in the Avengers Tower in America and she was in London, England. Steve was straight there to comfort you after the news but it didn't work. Despite all his effort you just weren't content. You thanked him for his efforts but it still wasn't enough. You stayed in your room for most of the day, considering you were told in the morning, just crying, watching Netflix and eating ice cream. It was unhealthy and you knew it but that didn't stop you.

So there you were, lying in a pile of tissues and eating ice cream when there was a knock at your door.

"Doll, its me, Steve" the voice said sweetly.

"Come in" your attempt at speaking was muffled by ice cream and tears but he still heard you.

"How are you..." He said opening the door and stopped speaking when he saw the state you were in, "...doing? Not very well I see"

"Mhmm" you agreed, eating more ice cream. You and your dad were very close so this came as a very big shock to you.

"Come on. I'm taking you out. Go have a shower and freshen up, okay? I'll be right here waiting" he kissed the top of your head.

"Okay" you got up walking into the bathroom, hopping in the shower washing your hair and body. When you walked out you noticed Steve wasn't there so you quickly got dressed and dried your hair, putting it into a side plait.

You walked out 30 minutes later and a small smile was present on Steve's face.

"You look am... Beautiful, Amber!"

"Thank you" you looked down as you blushed.

"Shall we?" He held out his arm and you took it, smiling at him. He lead you out of the Avengers Tower to where his motorbike was. You had never been on it and you had been dating Steve for almost 2 years now but you were excited none the less. You both hopped on and he sped off quickly. Minutes later you were at the mountains. You were curious as to why he brought you here but then he explained.

"I guess you're wondering why I brought you here?"

"You read my mind" you giggled.

"We're here to stargaze"


"Yeah, I heard you liked it so I thought it was a good way to cheer you up"

"It's perfect, thank you" you said giving him a kiss on the lips before laying down on the ground. He laid down next to you and started pointing out the different stars, constellations, different galaxies and the planets in our solar system while you smiled and quietly laughed at some of his comments. He finally ran out of facts and there was a comfortable silence between the two of you.

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. You quickly ran out of time and became tired after a perfect night with Steve. You were on the verge of falling asleep before Steve gently shook you.

"Doll, don't fall asleep. We can go back if you like?"

"Please" was all you could say as he lifted you up and placed you onto his motorbike.

"Thank you for a perfect night, Steve. I love you" you said while he got on the front of the bike.

"I love you too Amber" and he drove you both home before falling asleep in his arms, smiling and feeling better then before.

I hoped you liked that Amber! UnwinEggsy

Thank you again Yavanna80 plot line. I was completely stuck for it and you were a star!!

-MrsEvanStan 💕

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