Birthday Week pt. 4

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Birthday Week

Prompt: Clint teaches reader archery

"Clinnnntttttt" you whined as your boyfriend had his eyes glued to the TV. You had been together for almost 3 years and he hadn't shown you or taught you archery. And you really wanted to learn how, and from the best in the business. The only problem was, he was on a mission, you were on a mission or you were both busy. But now you had time, he was sat watching the TV.

"Clinnnntttttt" you whined again, this time shaking him and debating whether to lay on him or not. In the end you decided to lay on him to try and get his attention. If anyone walked it, it would look very strange. When you did this, you heard a low chuckle from him but that was it. He concentrated more on the TV then he did you and it was annoying now.

"Clinton Francis Barton!" You shouted as you got up from the couch and stood I front of the TV.

"What?" He finally replied.

"Can you teach me archery, please?"

"What, now?"


"Fine" he said standing up and walking out the room. You followed him and saw he walk into his room then come out a few minutes later in his full gear he uses on missions.

"God this is serious, isn't it?"

"Week, if you're gonna do it, do it properly" he walked passed you straight to the gym. You went in after him and saw him get out his bow and arrows.

"Come here" he gestured to a space near him. You walked over and he positioned you in the correct stance to aim.

"Just look at the bullseye, pull back the string and let go" he instructed. You listened carefully and did as he said. The sound of an arrow flying through the air and hitting the board filled the room. You looked over in excitement to see it had hit the broad and almost hit the bullseye.

"Yes!" You shouted in happiness.

"Well done," he replied while hugging you, "nice shot"

"Thanks, that's something coming from THE Hawkeye"

"Yeah, now try again" you positioned yourself again and took a shot. That one was closer to the bullseye then last time and you were getting better and better with every shot. You had 20 shots before the arrows had ran out and 6 of them hit the bullseye.

"With a bit more practice, you'll almost be as good as me" he complimented ep while putting the bow and arrows away you had both used.

"Only if you come with me"

"Always" he replied, wrapping his arms around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck in return and looked him in the eyes.

"I love you, Clint"

"I love you too, (Y/N)" he said before kissing your lips.

"Maybe Archery could be our always?" You asked after you both pulled away.

"Maybe, (Y/N), maybe"

So that was the last general imagine for my Birthday Week! Tomorrow is the one LukeAJC requested and thank you all for my Birthday wishes yesterday. They all made me smile! 😊

-MrsEvanStan 💕

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