Pietro Imagine for Oni

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For onivdv2001

Warning: strong language

The music rung through your ears. It was too loud for your liking. Much too loud. The only reason Tony threw this party was because you and the Avengers has been successful on a mission and also, Tony hadn't been able to drink in over 4 months because of it so, here you are.

The bar was unusually quiet for a Tony Stark Party. A few guys came offering you drinks and you politely refused, girls had come and started grinding on drunk men and, obviously, Tony had been there a few times. Whoever had come and asked to share a drink respected that you didn't and walked away, but one guy hadn't been as respectful and tried to get more than a drink.

"Hey beautiful," he flirted, "I've, er, unfortunately lost my nummmmber, I was wondering if I could havvvve yoursss?" He was drunk.

"No, sorry. I don't give it to drunk men" you sassed.

"I'm not drunnnk. Okay, maybe I *hiccup* am"

"Uh, men" you turned back towards your drink and had a spit.

"What?! Guys can't tell someone they're beautiful? Bullshit!"

"It's not that. You're so typical! It's 9pm and you're already drunk!"

"Whatevvvvver. Do you wanna have *hiccup* sex or not?" He tried to grad your boob.

"No!" You said, disgusted at his words and moved away from him.

"Hey," you heard behind the man, "what your trying to do by groping my girlfriend? Huh?!" It was Pietro.

"And who are you supposed to be? Eh, her knight in shining armour?" He laughed at his own joke. While he did so, Pietro had whizzed around him and had pulled his pants down before he realised.

"What the fuck!" He cussed, looking around to see if anyone had seen his unicorn underwear and pulled his pants up again.

"Now beat it!" Pietro shouted in his face. The man ran away, scared of Pietro and somewhat embarrassed even though not many people saw his small unicorns and his larger unicorn 😉.

"Thanks" you looked down towards your drink, trying to hide the red that had slowly crept upon your cheeks.

"No problem" he replied quietly and almost shyly. The last thing Pietro is, is shy. He had taken a seat and had order a drink when you didn't reply after he did. You looked back up to see he had ordered the same drink as you, and was sipping away quietly.

"Hey, can I talk to you. Some where quiet"

"Yeah, sure" he chugged his drink and stood up. You followed suit and left the room, Pietro following closely after you. You had walked to the balcony of the Avenger's Tower and we're looking out at the view. Seconds later, you felt a something in your right hand. It was Pietro's. He quickly pulled away when he realised what he had done, but was relived to see you pulled it back almost instantly.

"I love you, you know. I always have, and I always will," you started, "only, I never admitted it because I thought you wouldn't feel the same. But when you saved me from that drunk, and the look in your eyes when you did, made me realise that you might love me back"

"And you were right," he smiled and leaned in closely, "I do love you" you closed the gap between the two of you and it felt like sparks were going off inside of you. Cliché as it sounds, but it was true. When you needed to breathe, you pulled away and looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Be mine?" He smiled.

"Ha, smooth Maximoff, very smooth," you laughed, "but yes, I will be yours. As long as you'll be mine?"

"Always Oni, always"

I hope you liked it onivdv2001 sorry it's late! 😊

-MrsEvanStan 💕

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