Beautiful beaches & ice cream dates

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Anna's POV

The beach was quiet, there were very few people. I sat down near the water but not close enough to touch it. "Wow this is a beautiful beach." I gasped. "Almost as beautiful as you." "What?" "Nothing..." Blake said blushing. We sat there for a while just soaking in our surroundings. "So do you go to the beach a lot?" I asked him. "Umm... Not so often." "Oh, well it's beautiful. I'll be here all the time." I laughed. "Well maybe I'll just join you if that's ok." "That's perfectly fine with me." I smiled down at the ground. We talked for a while and then he grabbed my hand to help me up but instead we just sat there for a minuet. He pulled out his phone and took a picture of our hands.
I laughed. "What's so funny?" "That you just took a picture of our hands. We're not even dating and my ex would never do that. It's nice." "Oh, I'm glad?" I watched him observe my wrist. "But what's your wrist say?" He added. "Miracle." "Oh wow, your mom actually allowed you to get a tattoo?" "Well yeah, because it has a lot of meaning. Basically when I was ten I got into a drunk driving accident and they said I wouldn't live so when I actually made it, it was a 'miracle' basically I'm a miracle." "Wow that's deep. I like your tattoo. So that crash was only a few years ago then?" "About five 'cause I'm fifteen now." "I'm fifteen too. And uh... Do you want to go to the ice cream shop now?" "Sure." He stood up and pulled me up with him. He never let go of my hand but I didn't really mind anyway. "So when did you get it? I mean your tattoo." "Only a few months ago because I'm kind of young to have a tattoo but I've always wanted it and I needed it in a way." "Well it's cool, I like it. I would never be able to decide on something I want on my body forever." We walked into the ice cream shop and there was a young women at the desk.
Blake's POV
"Hey Blake, do you want the table in the back again?" Asked my friend Kaylee, the girl at the desk. I nodded and she led us to the back. "So what can I get y'all today?" She asked. "Umm... Cookie dough ice cream for me and mint chocolate chip for her." Anna smiled at me. "Haha you actually remembered that?" "Yeah why? Did you think I wasn't listening while we talked?" "I don't know, I guess I usually get ignored a lot." "Well I won't ignore you." Kaylee came back with our ice creams. We ate and talked for a while. I learned a lot about her, like her favorite color is mint green, her favorite band is One Direction, and how she's an only child. Plus some more personal stuff. I felt really connected with her and when we finished our ice creams I walked her home. "Wait Blake, weren't you going to show me some special place?" She asked me as I walked her up the driveway. "I will, soon enough."

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