I can't NOT love you

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Anna's POV

It had been a month today since I had moved, a month since I had met Blake. We'd hung out almost everyday since I moved but lately we haven't been able to hang out and I'm not sure why. Blake was basically my best friend. A lot has happened in the past month. My actual best friend Casey moved from California to Texas also because we hated being far apart and her grandma lived down here. It was nice to have her back at least somethings never changed since I left. I'd started to miss Blake. He hasn't been answering my texts and I don't know any of his social medias. To keep my mind off of him Casey came over around eleven. "Hey booboo." She said as she walked inside. I ran and gave her a hug. "Hey bae." We both laughed. "I want to go on the trampoline. How about you?" "Sure but let's change because I don't want to jump around in a sundress." We both went up to my room and changed into some of my clothes. I put on black shirt spandex and a shirt Blake gave me a while ago. Casey wore some of my shorts and a random tank top. We ran onto my trampoline and started to doing tricks and laughed a lot. It was a great time. "So, have you made any more friends here?" Casey asked me. "Yeah I'm friends with the neighbor. "Oh cool. Is she nice?" "Case it's a guy and yeah he's really nice." She laughed at her stupidity and we kept on talking. I heard the gate to my yard open and then Blake came in with a boy behind him. I jumped off the trampoline and ran over to him. I jumped into his arms, my legs were wrapped around his waist and he held me tight in his arms. "Hey beautiful." "Hi." I looked him in the eyes and he kissed me. This kiss was special. His lips were soft and warm, they tasted sweet on my mouth. But it was weird. He'd never showed any kind of interest in me as more than friends until this kiss. When he pulled away he smiled at me. "Sorry I haven't been answering you lately..." He put me down and looked down at the ground. "Yeah... Why? Did I do something?" "No it's not you... It's me." "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine now. I'm happy that I decided to get over my fear and come see you today even though the outcome I had planned didn't work out." "What?" I laughed. His friend and Casey were watching us carefully. I became really nervous and unsteady. "Anna, I'm falling for you... Hard and I can't do that. I came to tell you that I can't love you but I can't do that, it hurts to much." "Whats keeping you from taking a risk? Huh, Blake tell me that!" He pulled out his phone and went on all of his social medias. He showed me how many followers he actually has. "Because these girls will tear you apart. When I started social media I didn't know I couldn't fall in love with a girl like you and right now all I want is to love you Anna. I stepped away so I wouldn't be able to hurt you but now I'm hurting both of us." A tear started to fall from my eye. "Blake if this is what you want then go for it. I'll be here when it's over and I'll always support what you choose." He looked me in the eyes again making me cry even more. He took his thumbs and wiped the tears away. "Don't cry. Annabella Rose Compton. I only came here to say I can't love you but really I can't not love you. I need you. You're my best friend." " I.. I don't know what to say Blake. I love you too." He hugged me so tightly that I lost breathe. Casey and I agreed to invite them to hangout and they agreed. It was awkward though because I have no idea what me an Blake are right now. "Oh Anna by the way this is my best friend Chris." I gave him a hug and said hi. Casey and Chris hit it off pretty well an spent most of their time talking to each other and Blake and I did the same. "Hey Anna?" "Yeah?" "Will you be my girlfriend?" I giggled. "I would love to be your girlfriend." Blake's lips brushed against mine. He kissed me lightly and then pulled away. "You guys are too cute." Casey said. Chris nodded in agreement and we both laughed. "Do y'all want to go swimming?"
Blake asked. "Well I have to go home." Chris said. "Ok well when?" "What time is it?" He asked. "We told him it was three." "Oh shit I have to go home now." We all said goodbye to him and he hopped off my trampoline. Now it was just me, Blake, and Casey. "Case what time do you have to be home?" "Um... I think my grandma said three thirty because my mom is coming to visit." "Oh okay. So do you want to swim or just hang out." "Let's just hangout if that's ok." "That's fine." We jumped on the trampoline, talked and laughed until she left. "Do you want to go swimming?" Blake asked me. "Sure, let me go get my bathing suit on." "Ok meet me in my back yard." Blake ran home and I ran inside.

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