The place, our place

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Anna's POV

There was a tap on my window causing me to wake up. What could that be? The noise continued. I looked at my clock. '1:00' am. The knock continued so I finally got up to check out what it was. I opened the window and saw a cute, tall, blonde haired boy smiling up at me. "Blake it's one in the morning. What do you want?" "C'mon I want to show you something?" "What is it, I'm in my pajamas, half asleep." "My secret spot is waiting!" "But what if we get caught. My mom would kill me if she found out I snuck out at this time of day." "We'll be back before anyone wakes up!" "Fine let me get dressed." "Alright." I shut my window and ran to my closet. I grabbed a pair of leggings and my maroon obey sweatshirt with floral letters. I threw them both on and pulled my black vans on. I left my hair in the messy bun it was already in and opened the window again. "If I open my front door my parents will hear and I'll get caught." "Then come on." He reached his hand up and grabbed mine. He helped me out and we ran off together. This was like one of those summer love stories you read in books. "Where are we going?" "This way!" He said pointing to the woods. I stopped running. He stopped too and looked at me. "There's no way I'm running through the woods at one am." "C'mon it's fine." "But Blake I'm scared." "Anna, it's going to be fun. This will be great. I'll hold your hand." He reached his hand out for me and I grabbed it. We went into the woods the only sound was leaves under our feet. It took him what seemed like twenty minutes to lead me to this special place but when we got there, I was shocked.

Blake's POV

"Wow." Anna gushed. I brought her to my favorite place to think. We stood in front of a big lake and there were boats on it. The lights of them glistened on the water. She look up at me and smiled. "This is beautiful." "Just like you." We sat down on the ground around all the flowers. "So why is this such a special place to you?" "Because I don't bring anyone here. This is where I think." "So I'm guessing you think a lot?" "I've got a lot to think about, a lot of decisions to make." "Oh, i don't have many decisions to make at all." Anna laughed. "Well, some people have a much more public life than others." Anna nodded but I didn't think she understood. We sat there quietly together, hand in hand. It was nice. I looked down at my phone. Time had passed by quick. It was 2 am. "C'mon let's get home." She nodded and stood up. We walked home together still holding hands. I walked her to her house and she crawled through the window. The night was magical. I couldn't stop thinking about her for the rest of the night.

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