Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Practicing My Audition Solo.

For the past five days, I have been practicing my solo with my dad. We would go to Dom's dance studio and practice. He would help me by playing the song and stopping it when I wanted to start over or something. My dad have been bonding more often than we have ever. I was always closer to my mom. Today we are bringing Lacey to see what she thinks of my dance. 

She was in the car with me and yapping away about how James is a complete asshole. Which everyone knew. She kept on talking and I was starting to get annoyed.



"Shut the fuck up!"

"I was rambling wasn't I?"

"Yes and it got fucking annoying."


"No problem," I said parking the car and getting out.

We walked up the steps and into the dance room. I walked over to my dance bag and my dad talked to Lacey. I turned around in my new pitch black point shoes. My dad and Lacey turned towards me and they smiled.

"Ready Izzy," my dad asked me.

"Ready as I will every be," I say getting into my opening pose.

My dad looks at me and I nod my head and he starts the music. While I do my dance I don't even look at Lacey. I just let my mind wonder. But there is one thing that it keeps going back to. 


Trust me I have no clue why, but he has been bugging me more than before. It is really annoying. The one time I punched him in the stomach to shut him up. I think he wants to see my solo or something like that, but he won't because I now he will try to destroy it.

I do my spilt and turn on my stomach. I kick my legs back and forth and Lacey laughs because when we were younger we would always do that at the end of a dance. Even if it wasn't in the cherography. I turn on my back and put my hands behind my head. I push up my bottom and did a cartwheel.

I heard Lacey gasp and I smirked. I finished the dance and ended in my opening pose. Lacey got up from her seat slowly then ran over to me. She captured me in a bear hug and we hopped up and down.

"Oh my god I am so glad I signed you up for that audition now!"

"So am I."


"Sorry girls put if you want to make your audition in time you better leave now Izzy," said my dad.

"Thanks dad,' I said grabbing my CD and my bag and running out the door.

Lacey ran behind me as we ran to my car. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the car. We hopped in and drove off back to school. We got there fifteen minutes later, and ran to the stage. My mom was there and was talking to the judges. She saw me and said something to them and quickly ran over to me.

"Oh thank god you are OK and here," she said hugging me.

"Mom I am fine I just wanted some space."

'OK, sweetie. Go get ready I have your dress right here," she said holding up a bag.

"Thanks mom,' I said grabbing Lacey's hand and running towards the dressing rooms. 

The dressing room was packed with crazy girls and every spot was taken except the one at the very back of the room. You see the audition went form the front of the room to the back. But I was OK with going last because everyone got to see your dance. It went boy, girl, boy, girl, and so on. So I will be the last one.

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