Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


You Son Of A Monkey's Butt

 A month later

Today is the day. The day that everything changes.Today is the day of the end of the year dance. To tell you I am nervous is an understatement.. I was freaking out. I was literally about to piss myself. I was walking around my dressing room with Lacey sitting across from me smirking. I turn towards her and narrow my eyes.

"Why the hell are you smirking?"

"Its really funny to watch you freak out."

My fists clenched together and I had to turn away from her to not punch her in the face. There was a knock on the door and Lacey went to open it. She opened it and was greeted by a freshman. He told her something and she frowned. She nodded her head and closed the door. She ran a hand through her hair and turned towards me.



"I think you are going to want to see this," she said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. We went down the hall and turned a couple of corners. When we reached about the sixth corner she stopped. I looked over her shoulder and wished I didn't. There stood Ryder kissing another girl. I looked at the two in shock. I felt Lacey put her hand on my shoulder, but I didn't pay attention to her. The girl pulled away from Ryder and smiled. I recognized her and felt like my heart just got ripped out of my chest.

I turned around and ran back to my dressing room. I could feel the tears running down my face. I pushed past people who are giving me confused looks. I ignored them and kept running. When I got to my room I slammed the door shut. I walked over to the couch that was up against the wall. I  layed down and cried my eyes out. There was a knock on the door.

"Go away!"

"Sweetie open the door."

"No go away!" 

They ignored me and walked into the room any way. I turned around and didn't look at them. I heard them sigh and take a seat across from me. I turned around to see my mom looking at with a sad expression. I slowly sit up and look at her. She sighs and comes to sit by me. I move over to make room for her and she lays down.

"Want me to tell you a story?"

"What does this story have to do with me," I asked in a croaky voice.

"I went through the same thing you are going through sweetie."


"Well, there was this guy and we were going out for about two years. This was before your father thought. We were going out and he cheated on me with my best friend. I was so upset, but if he never did that I would have never fell for your dad. But also your dad had some part of it to."


"Yeah my life sounds like a really bad written book."


"Yeah, but sweetie I don't want you to go through the pain I did. So show that son of a bitch what he missing out on."

I thank my mom and hug her. She helps me with my makeup and hair. She says she wants to show off my new hair and I laugh at her. My dad was not very happy about my hair, but my mom loved it. She says she wished she could have done that with her hair. I laugh at her and we finish getting me ready.

We finish and I look at myself in the mirror. I looked hot. I turned around and hugged my mom. We walked out of the room and headed towards the stage. When we were almost there I stopped dead in my tracks.



"I just noticed that this dance is about cheating and I just got cheated on."

"Oh, sweetie."

"No its fine. Its just this dance is so real now."

"Well just put your emotions into your dancing."

We got to the stage and I walked over to my dad. When he saw me he smiled. He hugged me and told me to go center stage. The lights were dark and I was standing there holding a phone in my hand. The curtain opened, but the stage stayed dark. A light came on behind me and I saw that it was counting down. Then a video came up. It was a video of me and Ryder fighting. It was about our argument about world peace. Then another one came on of me and Ryder having a staring contest. I punched him in the arm and he blinked. I laughed in his face and did a happy dance. Then there was one more of us fighting again.

The screen went dark and the music started. I looked at the phone and frowned. Ryder walked on stage and I showed him the phone. We did the dance and the whole time in my mind I thought of Ryder kissing that girl. When we were done with our dance, I didn't even say anything to Ryder. I just completely ignored him. As soon as I was off stage, I walked to my dressing room. I walked in and sat on the couch. There was a knock on the door and Lacey walked in. She walked over to me and I cried on her shoulder not even caring if anyone saw me.

Did my life have to get any worse?

Their dance on the side. Performed by Ashleigh & Jakob from so you think you can dance.

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