Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Dancing For Your Heart

I hated everything that has happened to me today. I'm still crying on Lacey's shoulder and I feel like the tears aren't ever going to stop. I sigh and get up from the couch. I walk over to the mirror and look at myself. There is no makeup on my face and I let out a small chuckle. Of course my mom would use water proof makeup. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. I sit down in the chair and start to change my hairstyle. When I am done I go get my costume.

I grab my costume and change into it. I put on the hat and look at myself in the full length mirror. I spin around and the back of the outfit lifts up. I pose with my prop and smirk. Yup, this dance is going to be good. I turned towards Lacey and motioned for her to follow me. we walk out of the room and head towards the stage. I pasted the girl that was kissing Ryder along the way and she gave me a smirk. I gave her a grin back and she frowned. I continued walking and got to the stage.

Ryder was on stage with James doing there duet. They were in sync and it was really good. The song ended and they walked off stage. Ryder looked at me and I completely ignored him. He looked at me confused and told James something. James nodded and Ryder walked over to me. I sighed, but continued to ignore him. When he got to me, he tried giving me a kissing, but I turned my head so it landed on my cheek.

"Izzy what's wrong?"

"Why do you care? Don't you have someone's face to suck off?"

After I said that, I walked away and went towards my dad. He saw me and smiled. He pointed to the stage and said that it was ready. I was getting ready to go on, but he stopped me.

"Izzy, I want to change your entrance."

"Why do you tell me this now?"

"Because I just want you to do round offs to center stage."

"Fine," I say going to my spot where I enter.

The lights went dark and I got ready to go on. I did my first round off into a spotlight. The light flashed the whole way to center stage. I stopped crossed my arms and my prop was thoughen to me. I got it with one hand and got into my opening position. The music started and I did my dance. The whole time I had one image in my head. The image I wish that could be erased.

The song ended and I finished in my ending pose. The crowed was out of their seats clapping. I even noticed some of the parents glaring at me. I chuckled and walked off stage. I was greeted by a bear hug from my dad and I smiled.

"Izzy, that was awesome. And the thing I love about it the most is how all the scouts can't have you," he says skipping away.

I laugh at my dad's childishness and walk towards my dorm room to get ready for my next dance. And of course it is with Ryder. I groan and run to my dressing room. When I get there I quickly change and do my hair. When I finish, I put on my sneakers and go to the stage. Ryder is already there and has our prop around his ankle already. You see our dance is with both of us chained to each other and the I'm trying to get away from him.

I walk over to him and put the chain around my ankle. I can feel his gaze burning into my side. I look up and he is still staring at me. I sigh and run a hand down my face. I turn to him and look him dead in the eye.

"Why? Why would you do this to me?"

"Izzy what are you talking about?"

"I saw you kiss her Ryder. I saw you kiss Hanna. Were you using me and cheating on me the whole time? Huh?"


"You know what lets just get this dance over with and we can go back to hating each other and npt dating."

We walk to the stage and step in the center of the stage. The song starts and we do the dance. I we do the dance it is perfect. We haven't tripped once. The song ends and we finish the dance. He pulls out a key and says you choose. The lights go dark and we take off the chain. When we do I run away from everyone. I don't want to see them together. It would hurt to much. I sigh and change for my last dance. It is my duet with Lacey.

I change into my outfit and walk out the door again. I stop when I see Ryder and Hanna. Hanna notices me and smirks she turns towards Ryder and kisses him. I stand there looking at him in shock. He pulls away and finally notices me. He looks at me in shock. I shake my head and leave. I hear him mumble something then yell at Hanna. I can now taste the tears running down my face.

I hear footsteps behind me, but completely ignore it. He did it again. I wipe away my tears, but they keep coming. I suddenly get forced to turn around. I look at up and there is standing Ryder, looking at me with sadness. I look at him anD more tears just keep coming.

"Isabella she kissed me, I never kissed her. She kissed me. Izzy I'm in love with you. Everyday before I go to sleep I think of you and when I wake up I think of you. I never felt this way about anyone before Izzy. I hate her I have no clue how I was even with her. She planned this for revenge because she thought she could get me back. But only have on girl on my mind. And baby, its you," he said kissing my hand.

He pulls me closer by my waist and wipes away the tears that keep falling.

"Ryder, I'm not like any of those other girls you dated. I actually want to get married and have kids. To have that kind of love. I want it to happen, but I can't have it if you cheat on me. I thought of every possible way that you wouldn't cheat on me and do you want to know how many reasons I came up with? Two. But god I love you so fucking much that I am willing to take the chance. But got damn it if you cheat on me ever I will fucking kill you.''

With that he picked me up off the ground and spinned me around. I laughed at him and he put me back down. He looked me and kissed me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pushed me up against the wall.


"Huh," he said against my lips.

"I have to go.''

"Oh," he said pulling away.

"I love you," I say giving him one last peck on the lips before getting ready to walk away.

"I love you too Izzy,'' he whispered in my ear before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the direction of the stage.


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