A Spy to Die For

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My job as a spy is both dangerous and exciting. Dangerous, because I'm putting my life (and others) in danger. Exciting, only one word to explain it all: Action. My name is Jessi Keller and I'm a class 'A' spy. So the 3 basic things you need to know about me are: 1. Get in my way, your officially dead, 2. Try to blow my cover, your still dead meat, and finaly, 3. I don't care for anyone but me, myself and I. So enough said, back to the present.

I had just resceived a mission from my superiors not too long ago, that an underground corporation has been receiving mysterious merchandise from a suspicious client. The client is said to be Paul Owen Bishop, one of the most richest people in New York City, and he's also one of our main suspects' to have obtained illegal nuclear powered engines. The superiors suspect that Bishop is providing the engine for the corporation for two main thing: Money, and power (and when I mean power, I mean weapons).

My job was to investigate the movements of Bishop as his new secretary and his new favorite target. I wasn't so thrilled with that part of the job, the part I really didn't like was not only I had to play the little 'good girl' with this guy, but I also had to carefully watch how I did my job. When he first invited me over for dinner at his mansion (and believe me when I say that it was one hell of a mansion), my job got a bit more difficult. His mansion was covered with high amount of security system around the interior and exterior of the mansion, with the bonus of 10 to 15 bodyguards watching the ex-exterior of the mansion. Lucky for me, I figured out how to hack the interior security with out a problem. From then on, I've been watching Bishop like a hawk.

Tonight was the night he would make his final investment with the corporation, they were meeting at Central Park at noon, where no one would see them make their final trade. Took me at least half a day to figure out that he was talking through the phone in code (I also tapped into the phone line while he was talking to his investors outside), at least now I know he's not as dumb as I thought he was. I called in to my superiors and notified them about the 'not-so-much-of-a-secret-anymore-meeting' and they immediately made preparations and sent some backup while they were at it.

To me, that was a slap in the face. Sending backup? Really!? They should just leave this whole mission to me. I bet I could take Bishop and his goons all by myself! So, I decided to go to Central Park pretty early, without the backup that is. I was waiting for my prey to arrive behind a huge old tree, not so far from where they were suppose to meet. After sitting there like rock, I heard footsteps. One...four... ten people arrived for the big party. I took a sneak peek behind the tree, making sure I was unseen by the guests. There he was, Bishop on the right and a man all dressed in black. It was difficult to make out his features sense he was wearing dark sunglasses, all I could tell that he was very young (maybe around my age), and he knew how business worked. As for Bishop, he looked like a million bucks (I bet that's how much his looks costs him). He was wearing a gray designer made jacket, a white loose long sleeve shirt, and a black pair of black slacks (looks like taking designing class wasn't a total waste).

I paid close attention to the to both their and my surroundings, making sure no one was going to disrupt this mission. After checking the perimeter, it started. "Did you bring the merchandise?" the shadow man asked. "Did you bring the items?" Bishop asked back. The stranger gave Bishop a cold grin, "I'll give you what your earn. But first, I want to see my merchandise. Either show it to me or the deal is off, and you get a different type of payment" he responded, and his grin got wider and colder. For the first time in my whole month of working for Bishop, he was extremely terrified. He gave him a nod, "Very well. Bring it in men" he ordered. His men brought a huge crate, must've been heavy because it took at least all of his men to bring it in (and they were all sweating like crazy).

"Very good. Here is your payment" the Shadow Man's henchmen brought in two suitcases and a tall crate. My guess would be the suitcases carried the green, and the crate carried the load. I double checked if I had everything set, and then I began to count to ten. "Okay then" one...two... "So this is where we part" five...six...seven... "It was pleasure doing business with you sir" TEN! I got out behind the tree and ran toward them before either one tried to make an escape. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" I yelled. Everything went still, Bishop went still with eyes wide with shock inside, and the Shadow Man just stared with a grin that said 'I've been expecting you' which really ticked me off. For now, I was in the spotlight, I was the star, and I was there enemy.

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