The Hawk Talk

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I was really stupid. 

First thing in life you should always carry in mind: Never let a crazed girl go to a bar alone (who knows what she might be capable of doing when she’s drunk!). I was close to losing her, but found her car in fron of a bar called The Bar-Rio (nice choice Iguess?). I parked my car two blocks away from the bar, once I reached there, I checked surroundings, just to make sure nothing was hiding behind the shadows. I wasn't sure what I was going to face when I go throught those doors, but chickening out isn't the answer.

When I reached the door, two guys opened the door, with the face of desperation to leave. One of them had a broken nose, and was looking a bit dazed.

“Everything’s going to be okay bro. Don’t worry, we’ll get her next time.” said the chubby looking guy, carrying his broken friend by the arm.

My ears caught the word ’her’ though (don’t like the sound of that). “Excuse me, but may I ask to what happen to your dear friend here?” I said

The guy just looked pissed. “Oh, I’ll tell ya what happen in there. A wild banshee punched my buddy here just because he complimented her!” he said.

Now I’m 100% sure this wasn’t goin to be easy. “By any chance that she’s drunk?” I asked.

He snickered. “Right now she is. But here’s a warning for ya man: Don’t get near her, she bites… Hard.” And with that he carried his friend to his car before he lost anymore blood.

I went through the door and well… It looked like a bull just came through here. At least six guys were lying on the floor (with black eyes, and probably broken noses as well), three in the dark corner (I think one of them was crying), and the bartenderbehind the counter cleaning a glass, with his gun on the table. Then there was Agent Scott sitting there, drinking her anger away (ah women, they are such fascinating creatures, but yet dangerous at the same time).

I took a seat right beside her and took a good look at her. She looked dazed, lost, and I think over drinking limits… Almost. 

“What do you want?” she asked (someone pushed her buttons… Hard).

“What? Can’t I come to a bar, get a drink, and relax? Am I not allowed to-”

“No.” She took the bottle of… Vodka, and took a big gulp. “Give me another.” she told the bartender. 

He gave her a sneer (poor old man, he’s going to have his shelf cleaned out by a young lady). “I think you’ve had enough. Now leave my bar or I’ll call the cops!” he yelled.

She gave a hard laugh. “Do you even have any idea who  I am? I could put you behind bars for selling illegal drugs here right now! So don’t-”

“Okaaay! I think this little miss has had enough Vodka for one day.” I grabbed her wallet and laid two hundred (I would pay for her, but this is her mess). “There you go sir, I think that should cover for what she cleared out. And don’t worry sir, she won’t be coming back for a long time.”  I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the bar, and forced her to meet my eyes. “Are you insane!? Are you trying to get yourself in trouble during a mission. I mean I would expect this from Agent Keller, but you Agent Scott, no offence but I never thought you would do a crazy thing like take down a bunch of biker guys!” I said.

She just glared at me. “Listen here Hawk. Don’t think you know me well. I’m capable of things that no one can ever imagine me doing,” ~Belch~ (wow someone needs a mint), “And further more what are you doing here?” she asked.

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