Part 15

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(Chuck's Pov)

I watched as Calum and Ashton slowly walked downstairs and sat on the couch next to me.

"What's wrong guys? Are you alright?" I asked seeing their sad faces.

"No... I want my Luke back and Calum wants Michael back. We are just beyond worried I guess, sorry." Ashton mumbled quietly.

"Don't be sorry! I want to help you get them back, but we have to wait a bit." I said trying to make them feel the least bit better.

"Do you even know where this Jonah guy took them?" Calum asked sadly.

"I would hope so, we have been friends for quite a while! He more than likely took them to his house." I chuckled lightly hoping to ease some pain. "And don't ask me why he ever bought a house with damn cells in the basement, but he did."

I instantly regretted saying that part when Ashton's and Calum's face went pale as a ghost.

"But like I said, we will find them. That is a pro-" I started before I heard a knock on my door.

"Chuck, it's Zayn! Open the damn door, I'm making sure you aren't breaking the rules." Zayn shouted.

I looked over to the two terrified Australian boys.

'Go downstairs!' I mouthed while they nodded and quietly ran off.

I walked over as unlocked the door to see Zayn smirking.

Zayn pushed himself into my house and made his way towards the basement.

'Shit! What if they aren't tied up?!' I thought as ran in front of the door.

"Chuck, move!" Zayn snapped.

"Uh, why don't we just wait up here for a bit?" I asked.

Zayn pushed me out of the way an threw the door open.

I was honestly surprised by what I saw at the bottom.

(Ashton's Pov)

Me and Calum ran towards the stairs and I opened the door before shutting it behind me.

Calum had made down the stairs just fine, me on the other hand had tripped and stumbled down the stairs before getting to the bottom.

"Ash! Are you alright?" Calum asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. Just come here, I grabbed some duct tape to tape our hands together." I said ripping a long piece of tape off and wrapping it around Calum's wrists.

I then ripped a piece off for me and handed it to Calum who carefully placed it on my wrists. Just then the door flew open and Zayn stood smirking at us while Chuck looked confused.

Don't underestimate an Aussie drummer dude!

Zayn walked down and stood in front of me, examining my bruises from the fall down the stairs.

"Was he not cooperating?" Zayn said smiling evilly.

"Uh, no! He tried breaking free." Chuck said looking at me mouthing sorry.

I didn't mind. I knew Zayn would hurt me, but that is better than Calum getting hurt as well.

Zayn punched me in the stomach causing me to double over groan in pain.

"It looks as if you following instructions. I will come back and get you two in a few days. Don't worry." Zayn smirked before walking upstairs followed by Chuck.

This is going to be tough...

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