Part 20

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(Zayn's Pov)

I fucking knew he was acting weird. I should have taken them back sooner!

Chuck has been caring for Ashton and Calum, all of them planning on how to get Michael and Luke back? It is not happening!

Want to know how I know all of this? I take very specific notes...

(Ashton's Pov)

Me, and Calum sat at the table enjoying a bowl of cereal while just talking.

"When we get Michael and Luke back I plan to take them out and eat as much pizza that we possibly can." Calum said before stuffing a spoonful of milk into his mouth.

"Wow Cal!" I laughed as Calum simply shrugged with a smile played on his face.

"Hey, you know they would love that!" Calum defended.

I nodded and drank the rest of the milk before placing my bowl in the sink.

I heard loud footsteps rushing down the stairs and soon enough Chuck Rushed into the room breathless.

"Chuck, what's wrong? Has something happened?" I asked worriedly looking towards Calum who shared my worried glance.

"Yes! Z-Zayn- just look!" Chuck Chuck said holding his phone out.

From. Zayn
I know what you have been doing. Why not bring the two over for one last good bye...

I showed Calum the message and he instantly tensed up and went pale.

"W-we have to g-go! Ash-Ashton they are going to k-kill them." Calum cried clutching my shirt.

"Cal, oh Calum no. We won't let them kill Luke and Mikey. We will get them back." I said rubbing circles on his back.

"Yeah, now come on. We have to go now!" Chuck demanded as he rushed out of the front door, me and Cal following after.

"Are you ready to get our boys back?" I asked and Calum nodded eagerly.

(Luke's Pov)

I sat on the bed bed in just my boxers while I cried and hugged my knees.

Jonah was in the middle of what he was doing when we heard loud banging on the front door.

Jonah stormed out after slipping on his pants leaving me to cry alone.

I heard footsteps coming in my direction, but it wasn't just 1... No, it was 3?!

I heard the door opening and shot my head up to see a pair of eyes I never wished to see again.

"You..." I whispered out.

"Miss me lad?" Zayn smirked with Silas standing right behind him.

"Zayn was informed that my old friend Chuck was helping your two friends try to save you." Jonah said.

Zayn walked over and grabbed me by my hair and pulled me painfully out of the room past Jonah and Silas, towards the basement.

Zayn threw open the door and I saw Michael jump up as Zayn pushed me down the stairs.

I cried out in pain as I fell painfully down the stairs finally hitting the bottom.

"Luke, are you alright?" Michael asked worriedly.

I tried to weakly push myself up but Zayn walked down and kicked my arms out from underneath me causing me to fall to the floor face first.

I heard Jonah and Silas walk down and Jonah pulled me up by my arms and roughly threw me into my cell.

I fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

"Zayn? What the hell are doing here!" Michael snapped.

"I came to finish you two off. Your two friends are on their way to came save you, and we all know I can't allow that." Zayn said.

"What is it that you plan on doing?" I asked quietly.

"Oh Luke, I plan on burning this place to the ground." Zayn said with a smile on his face.

I cried, realizing that this might mean I will never see Ashton again.

"No, please let Luke go! Burn this hell hole down with me in it, but let Luke go!" Michael yelled.

"Michael shut the hell up! What are you doing?" I cried.

"Luke, Ashton needs you. He needs you with him!" Michael said softly.

"Calum needs you too Michael! Damn it Michael, no! I'm not leaving!" I sobbed loudly.

"Shut up!" Zayn screamed, anger and annoyance clear in his voice. "I don't plan on letting either of you go so there is no reason to argue."

Zayn walked over and grabbed a gas can and began pouring gasoline onto the floor in the far corner before lighting a match and throwing it to the floor.

"It was great knowing you lads." Zayn chuckled as the three of them walked up the stairs.

I heard the door shut and began crying loudly.

"Mi-Mikey we are going t-to die! I-i won't get to see A-Ashton again. I won't g-get to say bye!" I cried.

"Luke, I'm so sorry.. I want to tell you it will be ok, but you would know that's a lie.. I'm so sorry Luke!" Michael cried.

I watched as the fire continued to grow, and soon I felt sweat dripping down my face as I began coughing violently.

I looked over to see Michael doing the same.

I tried to stop coughing long enough to catch my breath, but it was simply impossible.

I felt my eyes begin to get heavy and I struggled to keep them open.

"I'm scared Mikey.. I-i don't want to die." I coughed hoarsely. 

"I know Luke, I know.." Michael responded quietly.

I heard banging upstairs and a loud crash, then the door to the basement burst open and I saw three familiar faces.

"Luke, Michael!" Ashton screamed as he ran down the stairs with his shirt held over his mouth and nose.

"Ash-Ashton..." I paused to cough, and continued to cough for what seemed like forever before I spoke again. "Ashton, I love you.. I have wanted to see ever since I got here."

Ashton's eyes met mine and I saw fear and worry held in his wide, hazel eyes.

"Luke, I love you to! We are here to save you, don't worry." Ashton said soothingly.

I rolled my head over to see Calum crying in front of Michael's cell with his green day t shirt over his mouth and nose while trying to comfort him as well.

I saw the guy who took Ashton and Calum run down with his shirt covering his face as well.

"I called the fire department, they said they will be here soon." He said breathlessly.

"Thanks. Now come on, we have to figure out how to open these cells!" Ashton yelled.

"Ashton.. I'm scared... I-I want you." I whispered.

"I know Luke. Oh god, I know, I want you to Lukey!" Ashton sobbed.

I heard sirens and soon enough firemen came dashing into the room pulling Ashton, Calum, and Chuck out.

"No, let me stay with him! Luke, I love you!" Ashton screamed.

I guy in a uniform walked up to my cell and I was about to close my eyes. The last thing I heard was the man say.

"We will get you out of here sir. Don't leave us now." The my head weakly rolled to the side and everything went black.

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