Chapter 1

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You were just casually playing Super Paper Mario, nothing special. You loved Dimentio. By love, you drew him, listened to his theme all the time, etc. You were fighting Francis. You were amused by him; he was really funny and almost relatable. You had gotten the game recently, but learned about Dimentio from let's plays and wikis, and other sources.
You were using Peach to guard and you groundpounded every chance you got. You beat him after a couple minutes, letting out a cheerful "Yes!" Not exactly the best strategy, but you got through.

Dimentio was exploring the "Earth" he'd heard about. It seemed to be filled with humans- similar to, if the same as the heroes in the Light Prognosticus. He came across one house. There was noise coming from inside, much different from other houses at this time of night.  Dimentio teleported in and watched, curious as to who was awake at this hour and what information they might have.

There, he saw a girl. She had (H/C) hair and she was...drawing. Drawing him.

Strange. A girl up at abnormal hours and drawing me? Actually, maybe she would be a useful ally. There's something about her, too.. Dimentio thought. I'll have to get her soon.


You swore someone was watching you. Looking behind you, there was a flash of purple and a weird noise.

I'm not delusional, am I? What time is it?

You glanced at the clock. 1:26 AM. Usually, you went to sleep at around 3 AM, but you could make an exception since you were obviously tired. You headed upstairs after putting your art supplies and drawing away. Making sure nobody followed you, you locked your door.


Dimentio teleported into your room. Careful not to wake you, he gently picked you up. There was a device in your hand- he figured he'd leave it with you. He teleported you to the Castle


You woke up, assuming it to be early Saturday morning. You tried to fall back asleep, but you couldn't. You grudgingly opened your eyes, rubbing them. You got out of bed and stretched.

"Where am I? This isn't my room! The walls here are black. I don't have a black room! Was I...kidnapped?"

"I wouldn't use the word 'kidnapped' to describe it, (Y/N)."

You jumped when you heard the sudden voice. Their was so smooth and perfect. Now wasn't the time to marvel over someone's voice, though. "Who are you?" you yelled. At the same time, a blue magic blast shot from your fingertips. You were shocked. So was the other person. You couldn't see much, but you'd definitely made a hole in their clothing.

"Oh, look at all that potential power! I would love to have you on our team, (Y/N)." they mused.

"Answer me. Please." you pleaded. You at least wanted to know who kidnapped you. Tears began to form.


Dimentio....hadn't experienced actual concern for another person for a long time. Seeing you begin to cry made him soften and show....a....somewhat caring side. He didn't know why you made this happen.


They walked over to you. "Don't cry, (Y/N). As for your answer, I am...the master of dimensions and the pleaser of crowds, Dimentio. I never had the intention to scare you, so please accept my deepest apologies."

"What do y- what do you mean? Dimentio? Why would- why would Dimentio kidnap me? It's not like he would want me for anything... You....aren't Dimentio. I won't accept it! I don't know where I am, and I know this isn't normal, but there's no way you'd be...." You stopped. A realization came to you. You took a moment to look up.

There was no doubt about it. This was Dimentio. It was a terrifying, yet amazing realization. You weren't sure how to feel. "Can I....have some time, Dimentio? Oh, and...I'm sorry for making a hole in your clothing."

"Very well. And please don't worry. I can regenerate many things at will." Dimentio murmured. He left the room. would enjoy this. After all, you would admit that really, you didn't live for much at home. If there was a chance that Dimentio and the rest of Count Bleck's squad would give you a purpose, you'd take it.

You fell back asleep with a new peace of mind you hadn't had in months.


Count Bleck had asked to see (Y/N). Dimentio came to get you, though he suspected that he would have checked on you regardless of the Count's orders. When he entered the room, Dimentio realized you were asleep. Not wanting to wake you up, Dimentio returned to the Count, asking him to wait until you were awake.

Dimentio....he didn't know it at the time, but it seemed the....feelings he had for (Y/N), the feelings he initially couldn't identify, were mutual.

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