Chapter 6

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I'm back.



The air was surprisingly fresh.

This certainly wasn't where you were shot.

"You're awake."

Snapping to the voice, you were shocked to see who had spoken the cold, almost angry words.

"Dimentio? How long have I been out?"

"It's been over three months, (Y/N)." Something was wrong with him.

He was stressed.

" alright?" you asked with caution.

Dry laughter. "Do I look okay to you, (Y/N)?" He turned to you from the computer he was working on. Odd. You'd hardly seen him use a computer. Much less whatever was on the screen- a database, maybe.

"No." was all you said.

In fact, he looked the opposite of okay. The first thing you noticed was that his mask was nowhere to be seen. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was a mess. "....I haven't slept since what happened. Do you know just how much I've been worrying? How much I've longed for you to wake up? I wasn't joking, (Y/N). I do love you." Though he said it with a frown, you could tell that the words were all genuine.

"'re never like this. All the time I've known you and all the time I'd researched you, you were never stressed. Worried for another's well-being. I don't understand what's happened, but I am so sorry that you've been worrying. you too." You attempted to get up, to perhaps hug or even kiss him, but your shoulder had other plans. "Ouch."

"You may want to stay still for a while longer. We can't have you hurting yourself any more, now can we?" A grin now graced his features, and you knew that he was back to normal.

"So how the hell did I end up like this?" you asked.

"From what I can tell, you shot yourself. It seemed to be a defense mechanism, since you clearly don't remember doing it. At least, if a defense mechanism puts you into a coma for three months, nearly killing you. I know I certainly wouldn't want to be hit by whatever it was!" He dramatically raised his hands.

"Huh. That's a stupid thing. Anyway, a better question is, 'where are we?'"

"Ah, we're in a pocket dimension! Undetectable by normal means. I made it myself!" He seemed proud of his creation.

"Cool. So how are the others? I'm dyin to see them now."

"Oh, I wouldn't know, (Y/N). You see, I haven't left this pocket dimension for a while. I've been with you this whole time."

"But don't you keep tabs on all other dimensions?"

"I can't give my full attention to you, making sure you're alright, if I'm checking on other dimensions, hm?" He spun a pen in his fingers.

"Guess not. You're wonderful, you know that?" A smile spread across your face.

"Of course. However, I may not be as wonderful as you."


The search had never officially ended, but hope was draining more each day.

Life at the castle went on, however. Despite the lingering despair, they attempted to stay in good spirits, as a team should. Nobody entirely gave up.

Traces of what they thought to be signs of you or Dimentio appeared, but no ideas were formed. It was pretty much blind searching.

"Man, never thought I'd miss Dimentio at all. Guess it goes to show we really are a family, eh?" Mr. L leaned in a doorway, looking up.

"Aye. The two will turn up eventually, lad. I know they will." O' Chunks responded. He seemed the most optimistic of any of them, though he was quite possibly affected the most. Not only had you helped him emotionally, but he was the type to care for everyone, even though he tended to be mad at people.

"You think? It just seems like...well, like we'll never find them and--" Mr. L was cut off when a punch was thrown at him, knocking him over.

"Don't ye dare say that! Long as they be missing, we can't give up!" O' Chunks shouted.

It wasn't even his normal goofy anger. More like 'someone better calm him down before he breaks something' anger.

"..Y'know...gck...I guess you're right." Mr. L struggled to get up, but he smiled. "We can't stop looking. For all we know, they're right under our noses. They'll turn up."


Mimi freaked out the moment she realized you were missing. (Of course, everyone else freaked out too.) It was quite possibily the first time she cared about something besides money and cute guys.

Being Mimi, her natural course of action was to scream. Didn't work well for her.

"At this point, I don't care if stupid Dimentio comes back." she sighed. "I just want (Y/N) back."


You looked up at Dimentio. "When are we going back?" you asked. Admittedly, you liked it here. Dimentio had expanded the pocket dimension upon your awakening.

"Whenever you want to, dear." answered Dimentio. The smugness radiated off of him.

"I dunno. But man, I love ya, magical flying bastard."

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