Chapter 5

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Before you could say anything else, he was gone. Where to, you couldn't have imagined.

....Was that a confession? Or a platonic love?

....Mulling over it probably wouldn't do you any good, so you figured you'd press him about it later.

Sitting back on your computer chair, thoughts began to swarm your mind.

He's just a monster!
How can you love a monster like him?

"Please....shut up!" you whisper-screamed to yourself. "Get out of my head!"

But you're a monster too!

"That's true of neither of us! Look, I don't know what you are, but stop bothering me!"

You can't avoid the truth forever!

"Please...leave me alone!" A blue aura surrounded you, and you feared you might break something.

Maybe if you weren't such a monster, this wouldn't happen to you!




Something pierced you in the chest, though you could hardly feel the pain at first. When it registered, all went black.


"(Y/N)! I made something for you!" Characteristic giggling filled the hall as Mimi opened the door to your room, only to find you not there.

"Oh (Y/N)!! Where'd ya go?"

She looked around. Nowhere were you found.

"(Y/N)? Where'd you go?"

Head down, she went back to her room, feeling dejected.


"Not again!"

Mr. L hit his head in annoyance.

"That's the 6th time it's crashed on me today! Can't modding be easy? Hey, I'm sure (Y/N) can help me!" He sprung up and marched to your room.

Getting no answer upon knocking, he opened the door.


"Huh. Weird. She doesn't usually leave without leaving a note or anything." He walked to your chair, and upon closer inspection....

"Blood? I sure hope she's okay. Don't want to cause a panic, though."

He walked out of your room, encountering O' Chunks in the process.

"Hey, buddy. 'Sup?"

"Oi, just going to see (Y/N). She's always a great help to calm me down, the lass."

"I think she's out somewhere. Gonna have to wait till she's back." Mr. L was careful not to mention the bloody chair.

"'Aight. Too bad she's out, lad. You goin' to see 'er too?" O' Chunks asked.

"Yep. I wonder where she went?" Mr. L shrugged. "See ya."


The castle had a missing presence from it. Anyone, even if they'd never been there, could have told you that.

Nastasia was ready to investigate this.

The fact that she could leave her room without being pranked was a telltale sign that Dimentio was either preoccupied or absent from the castle.

"Um. Dimentio? If you're there, come out now. I don't have time for games, k?"


She cautiously walked the halls, ready for a scare at any second.


She found Mimi walking back to her room. "Have you seen Dimentio anywhere?" she asked.

"No," Mimi answered, "but (Y/N) dissapeared!" She had grown more worried, and was now beginning to cry.

"Perhaps the Count knows what's going on. Let's go, k?"

Mimi nodded, and the two hurried to Count Bleck.

"County! County!" Mimi yelped.

"'What is the matter?' asked Count Bleck."

Nastasia spoke. "(Y/N) and Dimentio.....are gone!"




Is this already your story's end?

Was your existence cut short by an anonymous attacker?

Did your life end with your unhappiness? Your demons undefeated?


It couldn't.

It wouldn't.

Your life would end with your happiness. Your life would end fulfilled.



Right now.

Right now, though, you had to give in to what seemed to be dragging you back to complete darkness.

For now.

Because you had things to do.

People to love.

The Bleck Team.


You'd wake up.



Ready to face everything with your friends.

Your family.



"'What?!' exclaimed Count Bleck. 'Call Mr. L and O' Chunks over stat!'"

Mimi ran off to get the two while Nastasia sat down, trying to calm herself. Disappearances of Dimentio were normal, but not of you.

Ordering the three to sit once they had arrived, Count Bleck cleared his thoat. "Two of our team members are missing! Until we find (Y/N) and Dimentio, we will not rest!"

"I swear, if that good-for-nothing loser lays a hand on (Y/N), I'll gouge his eyes out." growled Mimi.

"...Uh, Count? I think you should know that I found blood in her room. She could be hurt...!" Mr. L nervously added, afraid of how the others would react.

"What? Mr. L, you must speak up sooner! Count, we need to get started now!" Nastasia spoke with fear in her voice, though she attempted to mask it.

"Go on, Team Count Bleck! Find them! We must ensure the safety of our family!" Bleck cast his staff out, and the others hurried out, ready to search.

"What could have happened to them? Dimentio does some messed up things, but keeping her captive seems uncharacteristic even of him." Nastasia looked up at the Count.

"I do not know, Nastasia. It deeply troubles me, as well. I fear for the safety of both of them."

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