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I managed to avoid all conversation for the day. It was lunch time now so I went over to get my food, and headed outside towards the beach. I sat down on the sand where the water hit my feet. My head had been aching all day but when I was out here, it magically disappeared.

The water looked so nice that I couldn't fight the urge to go in so, I stripped down so I was in my bra and undies (luckily it looked like a bikini) and ran right in. The water felt nice on my face in the hot sun, the beach was peaceful because everyone was in school. I went under water and sat there in peace, thinking about the world and all it's problems. My brain had so many thoughts running trough it I forgot to breath and my lungs started to hurt. I opened my mouth to take a deep breath and all of a sudden, I could breath. I opened my eyes thinking I had gotten pulled out but when I opened my eyes I could see through the muck of the ocean and I realized that I was able to breath and see under water.

Was this real? Am I really able to breath and see under water? Like that just doesn't happen! I shot out of the water trying to let all of what just happened sink in.

"You held your breath for quite a while there. I thought I was going to have to jump in and give you mouth to mouth." I jumped at the sound and turned around to see Logan standing with his shoes off and hands on his hips.

"What are you doing here? You should be in class." I said getting out of the water and putting on my pants.

"Speak for yourself miss hottie. I mean how am I supposed to focus on yelling at you when you look all hot and sexy and shirtless." He was smirking at me and I giggled. The smile on his face confirmed that he had achieved his goal of making me laugh.

What am I doing? I can't make him believe that I like him. I wiped the smile off my face and said "Stop that."

"Stop what? Making you laugh? You can't still believe that you ignoring me for my own good." I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and forgot how to breath. The look made it so I couldn't tell if they said dangerous or safe.

"Look it is for your own good, wether you believe it or not." I pulled my shirt over my head and grabbed my stuff. I started to walk away when I felt a hand grip my arm. Looking back at Logan's face I saw that it had gone a hundred percent serious.

"Why are you so afraid of getting to know me. I'm not going to hurt you, I want to help you."

"It's not you I'm afraid of." I released my arm and started to run to class leaving behind our conversation, and my feelings for him.


It was the last period of the day and then I could go home. Luckily my last period was singing class, which was awesome because I got to do what I love to finish off the day. I walked into class and found, again, that everyone was singing freestyle.

The teacher hasn't arrived yet so I sat in one of the free beanbags that they had in all the extra classes a.k.a. everything that wasn't math, English, S.S., or science. The bell rang signaling class had begun, and at the last moment Logan ran in taking the only open seat left which was, of course, next to mine.

"Well what a nice surprise!" He said winking at me.

"Sorry I'm late class I forgot my banana!" A man walked in and he looked like he had come from the time of the hippies. He was wearing a rainbow tye-dye poncho and bright purple pants. His brown sandals looked worn down and like they had reached its end.

"He is a little weird, but he is awesome at picking out people who can sing without even hearing them."

Logan whispered in my ear making goosebumps rise up on my arms and legs.

"Now who would like to show us how to sing? Anyone? Ok how about you?" His fingers were pointing straight at me and he grabbed my arm pulling me up and positioning me in front of the class. "Now sing!"

"No I really shou....." But he cut me off with a loud, demanding "Sing!"

I slowly scanned the room, took two slow breaths, and started singing Adele's "Rolling in the Deep". After singing the first verse and the chorus I noticed how quiet the room had gotten. Looking up I saw everyone starting at me, mouths wide open.

"Your amazing!!" I heard one kid yell in the audience. Everyone burst into applause cheering and making noise.

"Ok settle down! That sweets, was amazing! What's your name?" The teacher asked.

"I'm Alyia." I said looking towards the floor to avoid eye contact.

"Well I'm Mr. Hoppings and you just blew my mind on the first day. Congrats! You may take your seat." He said tapping me on the back.

I took my seat back next to Logan and heard him say under his breath "Hard to not be noticed with a voice like that." And with that he hadn't spoken again until the bell rang symboling the end of school.

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