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The next morning I woke feeling less tired and less pain. Logan was still asleep on top of me so I couldn't move without it hurting. I felt bad but I knew I had to wake him up.

"Logan? Rise and shine." I pulled his hair off his face and kissed his forehead. Slowly he started to wake up, his eyes opened and the beautiful blue was there to greet me.

"Good morning beautiful. How are you feeling?" He got off from my chest but sat next to me with his elbow propping him up.

"I don't feel the greatest but I can manage. Can you help me over to the shower? The feeling of blood and dirt is starting to get uncomfortable."

"Of course." Coming around his slid one arm under my knees, and the other under my back and lifted me into a cradle. Slowly and carefully he lowered me onto my feet with my arm around his shoulders and his arm around my waist to be on the "safe side" or so he put it. The stitches were still painful, and my leg felt like i badly bruised it but the pain was not to the point where I couldn't stand it.

Once we were in the bathroom Logan turned on the shower. I was still too weak to do most things on my own which meant Logan had to help me get out of my dirty clothing. He slowly lifted my shirt over my head while still having me put all my weight on him, then I slowly stepped out of my ripped, dirt stained jeans. I was left standing there in nothing more than a bright pink bra and zebra print underwear. At first I was worried that he was going to act like any other hormonal teenage boy, but then I saw the look on his face. It was a look that read of concern and caring, like he didn't even notice my lack of clothing, just that he was keeping me from being put in more pain.

He took off the bandages from my abdomen and face, then I kicked him out. I told him he could come back in once I was out of the shower and in a bathrobe. At first he insisted on staying in there even if it was in the closet for in case I fell but I convinced him to wait outside. After he had left I finished undressing and got in the shower. I was so covered in dirt and blood that I was in the shower for a half hour.

The water felt good on my grimy body, almost like it was rejuvenating me. It also helped me think about what had happened lately. Was I really so weak and defenseless that I got hurt almost every other day? That was going to end and soon. Logan was going to train me wether he liked it or not.

I got out of the shower and dried myself, then put a towel on my head. Slipping on my pink bathrobe with black lace and a bra and underwear, I limped out to Logan. When he saw me he rushed over and put his arm around my waist.

"Why didn't you call for me? What if you had gotten hurt? I could have helped you..."

"I want you to teach me to use my powers." You could hear the determination in my voice.

Logan's face suddenly became very serious, he gave me a worried look. "I'm sorry but I don't think I can. I can't take the risk of getting you more involved in all this and getting you hurt even more." He turned his head away so he couldn't meet my eyes. The anger was building inside me and I was about to start yelling at him until I saw the look on his face. There was a look of such pain and desperation in them it made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Logan, what's wrong? Why can't you train me? It'll mean i'll know how to protect myself and lower the risk of me getting hurt." When he didn't turn to look at me I grabbed his chin and forced him to meet my eyes.

"Logan, I need this, I need you to help me learn to defend myself and use my gifts to my full potential. Liam asked you to look after me and if I learn how to correctly use my powers I think I'll make him proud. Please, I need to make him proud of me." My eyes started to burn as tears sprang to my eyes.

Logan had a look of hesitation on his face but his eyes read of hope and love. "Okay, I will help you, and trust me I know Liam is already proud of the person you have become." He slowly leaned in and rested his forehead to mine. I could feel his breath on my lips and I couldn't help but lean in closer. At first his kiss was soft and hesitant, but then it became more forceful. Our lips moved in sync and I felt like he would never be close enough. I hooked my fingers in his belt loops and pulled him closer to me. The kissing became more and more passionate. My hands slipped under the hem of his shirt exploring the bare skin, I started sliding his shirt up and he lifted his arm up to make it easier for me. Our lips were separated for a moment and then they slammed back together while my hands explored his bare skin.

He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, he started walking over to the bed with our lips never breaking contact. Lightly putting me on the bed he crawled on top of me while using one arm to prop his weight up and the other wrapped securely around my waist. His lips started moving down my jawline to my neck and I couldn't help but let out a little moan. Everything about him was intoxicating, and I couldn't help but wonder how I could've fallen in love so fast. I flipped him over so I was on top of him now, my legs straddling his waist. His tongue was at my lips asking for entrance and I accepted and our tongues explored each others mouths.

I pulled away and gave him a teasing smile, while my hair hung down around my face almost like a veil blocking out the rest of the world. Slowly I got up from the bed and he propped himself up on his forearms looking at me. I wiggled my fingers with a smile and all of a sudden, I magically poofed a pair of swim trunks on the bed.

"Get dressed. We're going for a swim." I said with my hands clasped behind my back and a smile on my face.

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