Part Three

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They might think I'm making a big deal of something that's not a big deal, but it is really a big deal. This is the deal of me looking in the mirror, looking at my chest and my face, and seeing something different than I should. I know in my mind what should be there, and it just isn't there. I can't even look at myself in the mirror when I take a shower without breaking down and crying.

When you are hanging out with your guy friends, you'll start to realize that people tend to make a point to call you a girl. Especially teacher, who think that calling out "guys and girl" is better than just calling everyone in the group "guys".

*My guy friends and I messing around before class*

"Okay, get back to your seats, guys," the teacher said, "and girl." She obviously had no idea why calling out a singular "girl" in the group is weird and wrong, even though I'm not a girl in the first place.

I have a friend who understands my problems. He knows my pronouns and he's careful not to use the wrong ones. He also sticks up for me when someone else uses the wrong ones, at least he tries to. I know that he's really going to help me. He's the one person I trust most.

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