Forbidden Love (requested by @sammehland )

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You are an angel in heaven. You're work is the most important thing to you. Or rather, was... See, you met Crowley, and you think you're in love. So you are abandoning your work in heaven to spend time with him in hell. All of your sisters and all of your brothers disapprove. All of them, except, Castiel.
"So you believe that Crowley is good?" You ask, relieved.
"I believe he has good potential." Cas replies, smiling. You zap out of heaven and into hell.
"Ah, if it isn't my queen." Crowley says in that ironically angelic accent of his.
"Well, speak of the devil." You say devilishly, which was also, quite ironic. You walk over to him and sit on his lap. You two are on the throne. "King," you whisper in his ear. "I've missed you." He smirks at you and crashes his lips onto yours soon after. You don't care if it's forbidden, you love him.
"Sorry, is this a bad time?" A demon walks into the room carrying a clipboard tucked tightly and safely away under his arm.
"Kind of, yeah. It is. Now leave!" He demands. You sigh.
"But sir, it's the Winchesters, they need your help!" The young British demon explains.
"Sorry love, I've got business to attend to." He snaps his fingers and disappears.
"Who's going to run hell?" He asks clearly very stressed. You raise your hand and grin.
"I'll do it."

That was dedicated to @sammehland

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