Your pet

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Dean- you both own a German Shepard because he's not a dog person but ever since the spell he has missed his buddy and is still curious to find out why dogs are here he even named him colonel after that dog.

Sam- you both own an Australian Shepard because he misses his old dog who was the same breed and he even named it riot which was the dogs name and made his last name dog because that was his old dogs name before he chose riot.

Castiel- you both own a tiger named scout because he didn't understand the concept of "pet" so he flew to the wild and saved a tiger when you said you wanted a pet and two seconds later he came back with a tiger cub and he wanted to name it raja from the Disney movie Aladdin but you liked the name scout so that's what you went with.

Bobby- you both own a Himalayan cat because they are so cute and chubby and you named her cassidy because that is your best friends name (if you don't get this reference your lame ;) lol).

Crowley- you both own a hell hound named sweetheart because he loves hell hounds and even though you can't see her without those special glasses you stole from Sam and Dean, you feel a lot safer knowing that there's a guard dog looking after you.

Garth- you both own a bulldog named rebbie because that's what you always wanted. (This is my dream pet so I just had to include it)

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