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Flaws are debatable.

No one has one thing that they think is the most beautiful part of themselves.

Likewise, no one has one flaw,

That stands out above the rest of these so called flaws.

Flaws make us who we are.

Two people would not look any different if we did not have these flaws.

From the very first day that we are created on to this earth,

We create and know one picture of what is beauty.

That one picture that existed in your mind for only an instant when you were a child,

Is the one thing that you will always compare yourself to.

But one thing that we all need to understand is though everyone's definition of beauty is different we all seem to be compared to something of that same idea.

That anything that is not the same or similar to that one picture of beauty,

In our mind is a flaw.

Now, we all know that we all have them.

They come in different shapes and in different places.

But every single person that walks this earth,

Takes a second to think about themselves,

And does not see beauty but only flaws.

We need to accept this

and one another.

And to realize that everyone is different.

And that is what makes you, you.

And there really is no other way to put this than that.

No one is or ever will be the same

and that is why,

flaws don't exist.

Just simply irrational comparisons of two things that will never be the same.

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