Thank You for Saving Me

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So I’m currently in Scotland having a blast at the summer program :D And I hope everyone else is having a fantastic summer as well :)  Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Chapter Quote:

“Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side.”



Chapter 7: Thank You For Saving Me


Silena tiptoed into the Michaels’ house after letting herself in using a key Derek had given her.  She didn’t want to alert anyone she was there, particularly if Bryn was asleep; if the temperamental blonde didn’t know it was Silena, she wouldn’t hesitate to kill, especially since last night when Luke had gone running to her.  Bryn had become protective of him; only Silena knew why.  Contrary to what most people thought, she knew a lot about the inner workings of Luke and Bryn’s relationship and their deeper personalities.  Luke, while he acted happy and outgoing and strong most of the time, could be a real softie, specifically to people who meant something to him.  Bryn saw that side of him more than even Silena did.

Silena padded quietly into the living room to find her brother and Bryn on the couch together.  Bryn was on her side, asleep on the pillow; Luke had his arms wrapped around her waist with his head lying on her neck.  Silena had to hold back going “Awww!” because she knew her brother needed rest and peace.  She slowly backed out of the living room and began to head to the front door.

“Silena!” Bryn’s voice whispered.  She turned around to find the British blonde standing behind her.  How she’d gotten up without waking Luke and without Silena hearing was beyond Silena, but she decided not to question it; Bryn was ninja like that. “You okay?”

“I’m fine.  I came to check on Luke.  How is he doing?”

“Depressed, but I got him to laugh last night if that means anything,” she said, rubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands.

“That’s really incredible Bryn, you have no idea.  We couldn’t even get him to talk. Speaking of, has he spoken at all?”

“Yeah, talked a lot last night actually at some points but then he’d fall silent.  We fell asleep about three I think after a bunch of Nutella sandwiches and hot chocolate.  Come on in the kitchen, I’ll start making breakfast.” Bryn motioned for Silena to follow her.  The two girls entered the kitchen where the daughter of Zeus began pulling out pans.  She pulled out bacon, sausage, and eggs from the fridge, and bread, Nutella, and cereal from the pantry.  Silena quietly wondered if Bryn knew she was making Luke’s favorite breakfast combo.  Unlike her, Luke could eat a ton at breakfast.  He could eat a ton of food anytime of the day come to think of it.

“That’s really incredible you got him to speak, Bryn.  We couldn’t even get him to look at us,” Silena explained, making a cup of hot tea for them.

“I’m just glad I was there when he needed me,” she replied.

“Um, this is going to sound really out of the blue, but my brother really loves you.”

Bryn remained silent for a few seconds before whispering, “I know…”

“… Do you love him back?”

A mixture of emotions flickered across Bryn’s eyes although Silena couldn't determine what those emotions were.  Finally, Bryn answered, “I don’t know.”

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