Dunkin Donuts Galore

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I’m really trying to knock these small stories out so I can start writing UnStoppable because that’s going to be a blast to write.  Anyways, please read and review!

Chapter Quote:

"If there is a heaven for me, I'm sure it has a beach attached to it."

Jimmy Buffett


Chapter 3: Dunkin Donuts Galore


For a mid-October day, it was unheard of to have weather in the high sixties.  The sun was shining brightly that morning and unlike his sister, Luke was up, awake, and ready to do something.  He charged upstairs to his sister’s room where he leapt onto her bed.  Silena flipped out on him, hitting him with multiple pillows.  He fell off her bed onto the floor, laughing.

“Come on sleepy head.  We’re going to the beach and we’re dragging Bryn and Derek along with us,” Luke said.

“Luke, it is mid-October.  The water is going to be freezing!” Silena objected.

“It’s almost seventy out already and who said we had to go in the water?!  Come on!  Tucker is coming too!  He came up for the weekend.  Actually, he’s already going and we’re all going whether you like it or not so get up and get ready.  I’ll call the Michaels.”

Silena hit him with another pillow but muttered her agreement to go.  Luke knew mentioning Derek would be going would get her to go as well.  He pulled out his cell phone, dialing Bryn’s number.  She groggily picked up, mumbling, “It is seven in the morning.  You better have a damn good reason about calling me.”

“Get your feisty butt up.  We’re going to the beach.  You, me, Silena, Derek, and Tucker.” Something zapped him in the butt, making him yelp. “How in Poseidon’s name did you zap me in the butt all the way from your house Cat Woman?”

“I’ve been practicing my skills.  Now shut up Sharkboy and pick us up in thirty.” Bryn hung up without saying goodbye.  Luke rubbed his butt; it was still tingling from the electricity.

“Bryn get you?” Silena’s voice queried.  Luke turned around to face his sister.  She was rubbing her eyes.

“Yeah.  Beats me how she did from her house but still.”

“Good.  You deserved it,” Silena muttered, shuffling off to the bathroom.  Luke rolled his eyes as he went to his room to change into swimming trunks.  He stuffed a backpack with a beach towel and a football.  He never tired of throwing a football around.  Tucker always made jokes that Luke was the next superstar in the NFL, but Luke didn’t believe him.  He didn’t feel that he was that amazing of a player.  Derek, on the other hand, really could be the next great superstar, especially with his throwing arm.  Derek was an amazing quarterback.  He definitely was NFL material but of course, Luke would never say that.  It was a guy thing.

“Silena, are you ready?!” Luke hollered.

“Yeah, yeah,” she replied.

“Cheer up, Lena.  I’ll get you some Dunkin Donuts and all will be well,” Luke promised her, meeting her in the hallway.  She had on a white cover up, hiding her royal blue bathing suit which made her eyes really stand out.  Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

“Why do you insist on calling me Lena?”

“Because I’m your annoying older brother and it’s my job to call you nicknames.  Don’t worry, I’m the only one who gets to call you that.  Let’s go.”  Luke slid down the railing of the stairwell while Silena walked slowly down.  He left a note for their parents, telling them where they were going, before they hopped into the Rogue and drove to the Michaels’ house.  Bryn and Derek were waiting for them on the porch steps.  Bryn had on a black sun dress and aviators on her head.  She looked about ready to kill someone for waking her up so early; Luke just hoped she wasn’t planning on killing him seeing as how he woke her up.  Derek, meanwhile, seemed pretty awake and calm.  What was it with the girls being grouchy in the morning?

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