Best Night Ever

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It’s sad, I don’t have many reviews for this story :( I’m hesitant to start “UnStoppable” If I don’t start it, at least then I won’t have to endure all the hate for the ending I have planned for that… But for the two people who did review, ForeverAGallagherGirl135 and the Ice Within, thank you thank you thank you!  I love both of your reviews :)

Chapter Quote:

“I think prom is just about enjoying yourself.”

~Victoria Justice


Chapter 9: Best Night Ever


The past few weeks had slowly climaxed to almost a frenzy at school.  Why you might ask?  Three words.

Prom.  Next week.

The girls were in a frenzy trying to get guys to ask them out.  Guys were apparently in a frenzy trying to think of creative ways to ask girls out to prom.  Derek had asked Silena last week at one of the soccer games.  It had been a game against their high school’s biggest rival so the turnout of students was massive.  Derek had disappeared just before halftime.  Five soccer players from her high school came out with Derek running behind them and grinning maniacally.  The five soccer players stood in the center of the field before holding up one sign each.  Together, they spelled “PROM?” Derek had been handed a microphone and in front of two schools and probably three or four hundred people, publicly asked Silena if she would go to prom with him.  Naturally, Silena ran down to the field, told him “Hell yes” and gave him a kiss, much to the delight of the crowd who started cheering for them both.  He handed her the bouquet of white roses and the bluest irises Silena had ever seen.  As the two had walked hand in hand back to the stands, she smelled the irises, her favorite flower. 

The bouquet was still in a vase in her bedroom, surprisingly alive.  She’d never had much of a green thumb.  She wasn’t as bad as Bryn though.  Silena flashed back to an amusing conversation they’d had a few weeks ago.

Luke, Bryn, Derek, and Silena were in PE, walking around the gymnasium.  The two girls were in the middle of the boys.

“So Bryn, care to tell Luke and Silena about your cactus?” Derek inquired with an amused expression.  The daughter of Zeus glared at him.  To explain, Bryn had suddenly found an interest in plants of all sorts, mainly flowers.  When she couldn’t keep them alive, she decided to try a cactus.

“No, I do not care to tell,” Bryn snapped.

“What happened?” Luke prodded, intrigued.

She sighed. “I killed the cactus…”

“You killed a plant… that survives in desert?” Luke confirmed, trying not to laugh.

“Shut it,” Bryn said.  Silena, Derek, and Luke started laughing.  Bryn merely gave them a sheepish expression.

Silena smiled at the memory.  Currently, she and Bryn were sitting at the lunch table with Luke, Derek, and some of the boys’ friends and their friends’ dates.  Except for Bryn and Silena, who could really care less about prom, the other girls chattered away excitedly about what they were going to wear, how they were doing their hair, and all that nonsense.  Silena felt bad for Bryn.  No one, not even Luke, had asked her to prom.  She didn’t think Bryn really cared but still, all the girls at the table but her had a date.  Silena kept expecting her brother to ask the Daughter of Zeus to prom but if he had any intentions of doing so, he kept it hidden from his sister.

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