Chapter 2: Dean Finds Out

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This picture is of Ryan Coleman, who is played by Tylen Jacob Williams.

Dean's POV
There is a possible hunt down in Redmond, Oregon. A bunch of girls have been found dead with their hearts missing. I'm, of course driving the impala, with Sam sitting next to me and Cas, in the back.

"All the girl's were from the same school in Redmond" Sam says looking over the reports on the murders, "and they were all blondes".
"Well, blondes are more fun" I joked, earning me a bitch face from Sam.
"Not the time Dean".
"Anyway, we'll be there soon. We'll find a motel then head over to the school and talk to the principle".
"I could easily take you to the principle now. Why do we need to drive, it waste time" Cas says from the back.
"Your the one who wants to be a hunter. This is how we do this. Plus last time I couldn't poop for a week".

I turn up the radio and zoom down the road.


After getting a room we head to the school and parks outside of the schools gates. There are teenagers coming out of the school and walking out of the gates. We get out of the Impala.

"They better keep their greasy hands of my baby" I mutters watching the teens looking at the Impala.
"It's just a ca-" Cas began.
"I you say that the Impala is just a car, I will personally make sure you can't have little angle babies".

Sam and I walk in front and head inside the school, with Cas following behind us. When we get to the principles office I notice Cas isn't behind us anymore.

"Where'd Cas disappear too?" I whisper/ask Sam.
"Dunno, we'll find him after" Sam replied as the principle opens his office door.
"Hello gentlemen, what can I do for you?" he says.
"Hi, we are FBI agents Smith and Miller" I introduces ourselves, "We are here about the murders of the girls".
"Ah yes, that's such a tragic loss for everyone. What can I do to help you?"
"We'd like your consent to interview your students and teachers who best knew the victims tomorrow" Sam says.
"Of course, whatever helps to catch this killer".
"Thank you" Sam nods and we leave.

We walk back out of the school to see Cas harassing a young blonde girl.

"CAS! What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled as I walked towards Cas and the group of teens next to him.
"Dean-" Cas says as we stop next to him.
"Leave that girl alone".
"But she's-".
"I'm sorry about him" I says, "he's the new guy".

We pull out their fake FBI badges.

"I'm FBI Agent Miller" Sam says, " and that's Agent's Smith (Dean) and Johnson (Cas)".
"You're investigating the deaths of all those girls aren't you" A young blonde girl says quietly.
"Yes we are, is it ok if we ask you some questions?" I asks.
"We probably won't be of help, but sure. Ask away" the brunette says.
"What are you're names?" Cas asks while looking at the blonde girl.
"Why, are we in trouble?" asks the youngest boy.
"No, it's just routine. It is so we know who we have and haven't talked to" I explained.
"I'm Katie Coleman and this is my little brother Ryan" the brunette says as she points to the young boy, " and these are my foster siblings Miguel and Abigail".

She points to the older boy and the young blonde girl, who scrunches up her nose at the mention of her name.

"Did any of you know any of the victims?" Sam asked.
"Not really, I had a couple of lessons with Melissa but that's it" replied Katie.
"Had she been acting differently lately?"
"I wouldn't really know".

Well she's helpful.

"Ok, anyone else?" Dean asked.
"Ummmm, I sort of knew Ellie" Abigail says quietly and I look at the list of victims and see to Ellie's.
"Which one, Ellie Baeson or Ellie Price?"
"Ellie Baeson. She sat next to me in maths and we were in the hockey and netball team together".
"Did you notice if she had been acting any differently?"
"Errrr....... well she missed the last few hockey and netball practices. That wasn't normal, cuz she never missed practice".
"Ok thank you for your time and help" Sam says, "drive home safe".
"Bye" Katie said and walked of with the others in toe.

We start walking back to the Impala.

"What the hell were you doing back there Cas. Harassing those kids" I ask.
"I believe when giving news, the people receiving the news are supposed to sit down" he says.
"What!?" seriously, what the hell is he talking about. This bloody angel.
"Lets talk when we get back to the motel" Sam butted in, "We need to start researching".


When we get back to the motel I take of the monkey jacket and tie. I get a beer out of the fridge and take a drink.

"Sit down Dean" Cas says standing in the middle of the room.
"I told you, it's custom for people receiving news to sit down-".
"Just spit it out Cas" I sigh as I sit on the end of the bed.
"Okay, that girl from the school is your daughter"


"Ha, funny. Good one Cas" please say he's learnt how to joke.
"I'm serious Dean. That girl is your child" he says.

Well shit..........shit. How is this possible? Well I know how it's possible. It's just...........shit! I don't need this right now. Oh God, a kid. What the hell am I suppose to do. I can't just tell her and have her come along, it's to dangerous like with Ben. She could end up dead like Emma. No, she can't know. She's fine where she is. Safe. Or she will be once we kill whatever is killing the girls.

I can't believe it though, I have a kid......a daughter.

"" I hear Sam say, "How do you know that girl Dean's daughter".
"Her grace" Cas says, "When we got to the school, I felt Dean's grace get slightly stronger. I couldn't understand why at first. When you went inside to talk to the principle I could still feel some of your grace outside. While I was trying to figure out what was going on, I bumped into a girl. When I touched her hand to help pull her up, I could feel her grace and it was yours. Or some of it was yours".
"And that means she's his daughter?" Sam says.


It's been quiet for the past 5 minutes. No one has said anything. I'm still sat on the bed with my head in my hands trying to figure out what to do, while I can feel Sam and Cas watching me.

Secretly, I would love the apple pie life. A white picket fence with the 9 till 5 job and a couple of kids playing in the garden. Realistically that will never happen. This Abigail would only be in danger and would end up having to have her memory erased like Ben or she'll be killed like Emma.

"We need to focus on the hunt" I say finally.
"But Dean, you have a k-" Sam began.
"She's blonde and goes to that school, just like all the other victims. She could be next on the list. We need to focus on the hunt. That is the way to keep her safe, not by intruding on her life and telling her that she's my kid".
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Now lets find out which son of a bitch is killing these girls".

Next chapter up, hope you like it.
I tried as hard as I could to write Dean as he would be in the show, and I hope I've done okay.

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