Chapter 5: Visiting The Hospital

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This picture is of Oscar, who is played by Logan Moreau.

Abby's POV
It is now Saturday, meaning I can stay with the love of my life, my bed. However it doesn't last that long as Stephanie decides to use my bed as a trampoline.

"Urgh, Steph! I'm sleeping" I moan.
"It's Saturday, you promised while Sasha and Brian were at work and Katie was watching Oscar, that you'd take me to see my dad" she stops jumping and gives me her puppy-dog face.
"I did promise, didn't I" I sigh getting up, "let me get changed".
"Also, can we get ice cream after?".
"Only if you get Katie to give us the money for it".
"Okay" she runs off to find Katie.

Stephanie came to the Coleman family a little while after me, about 8 months ago. She is originally from this town anyway with her parents, but 8 months ago her parents were in a car crash. Her mum died instantly and but her dad is still alive, well kind of. He's in a coma, has been since the crash and, honestly, he most likely wont wake up.

Stephanie has no other family so she had to be placed in foster care. Luckily they placed her here with the Coleman's so that she was still near her dad and can go see him. A few times a week either Sasha, Brian, Katie, Miguel or me take her to visit him for an hour or 2. This time it's my turn to take her, not that I mind.

I grab a button up, dark blue dress with red flowers on it and a red, knitted jumper to go over the top. I also grab a pair of black woollen tights and dark brown lace up boots. I head for the bathroom to have a shower, to get ready for the day.


Jogging down the stairs, I head into the living room to see Katie watching the T.V.

"I'm taking Steph to the hospital" I tell Katie as I put on my coat and Stephanie comes over to do the same.
"Just don't stay out to late-"
"I know, another girls gone missing. But who ever this sicko is, he only takes one girl at a time".

On Thursday, another girl went missing. Her name is Maddie and she, of course, has blonde hair and goes to our school. She is in Katie's year.

"They've found her body this morning. With her heart missing" Katie sighs.
"Oh" poor Maddie.
"Yep, so straight to the hospital and straight home".
"But what about ice cream?" Stephanie asks.
"We have some ice cream in the freezer you can have that when you get back" Katie tells her.
"Is it chocolate?".
"Of course. What over kind of ice cream would it be" Katie smiles at Steph.
"Ok, we'll see you later then" I say and grab Stephanie's hand as we walk out the door, and walk towards the hospital.


I'm sitting out in the hallway next to the room Stephanie's dad is in, with some stuff from the vending machines. I sit out here so that Steph has privacy with her dad, but if she needs me I'm just outside. It's boring but I can cope since I did a smart thing and brought a book.

"It's defiantly demons, all the bodies smelled of sulphur and this new body stinks of it" I hear a familiar hushed voice.
"Yeah, but what are they doing. Why do they need these girls hearts ?" Another familiar hushed voice says.
"No clue"

I look up and  realise why the voice are familiar. It's the FBI agents I've been seeing all week, they are walking towards me, but they haven't seen me yet. I lift my book up to my face so that they don't see me.

I mean these guys a really freaking me out. They seem to just pop up everywhere I am and now they are talking about demons?! What the hell kind of FBI agents are they. They really mess with my anxiety. 

I hold my breathe and tighten my hold on my book as they walk past me. Of course though the giant one sees me.

"Abigail?" he says and I slowly lower my book.
"Hello" I give a small smile.
"What are you doing here? Are you hurt?" the short haired guy asks.
"No, just visiting" I keep it simple.
"Visiting?" he asks.
I sigh, "One of my foster siblings, her dad is here. I took her to visit him, and I'm giving them privacy".
"Oh" is all he says.

Now it's just an awkward silence, with me just sitting here and the 3 weirdo's just standing around me, and the trench coat one staring again. 

"Umm, is there anything I can help you with?" I ask in hopes they just say no and go away.
"No, Unless you know anything about the last victim, Maddie Slick?" the giant says.
"Nope, sorry" not really, please leave me alone.
"Right well then I guess we'd better be off. Lovely talking to you again Abigail" short haired guy says and I just nod, "I suggest you go straight home once your finished here".
"I will".
"Good, that's good" the short hair guy rambles, "bye then".

Finally! They are leaving and I can relax. I return to my book and wait for Stephanie.


I'm in my bedroom doing some lovely homework, I hope you hear the sarcasm. It's just me, Katie, Ryan, Stephanie and Oscar at home at the moment. Sasha and Brian are at work and Miguel is out with some friends.

"Abby! Can you come down here for a bit. I need to go to the store, so I need you to keep an eye on Oscar" Katie yells from down stairs.
"Okay, I'm coming!" I yell back.

Jumping off my bed I go down stairs and into the living room. Stephanie is watching some cartoons with Ryan and Oscar is sat on the floor with some toys.

"I'll be back in 20 minutes tops" Katie puts on here coat.
"Kay" I take a seat in the front room next to Oscar as Katie leaves.

Oscar really is a cutie. Like me, he has been in foster care pretty much since birth, so this will most likely be the only thing he knows, unlike Stephanie and Miguel who both had at least one parent before they got put into the system.

Oscar has been with the Coleman family since birth. Both his mother and father are drug addicts, so he got taken away from them at birth. He has a bit of a crack baby but, it wasn't to bad. The doctors helped him and now he is a pretty healthy 2 year old.

"Abab" Oscar says to me, it's how he says Abby.
"Hey Oscar" I smile at him, "What are you doing buddy?"

He grabs one of the stacking cups and lifts it up to me.

"Let me guess. You want me to build a tower just so you can knock it over. Your favourite game" I start stacking up the cups only to, of course, have Oscar push it over and laugh at it.

I know this was short, but this was more of a chapter to introduce Stephanie and Oscar a bit more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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