Chapter 4: The FBI Are Stalkers

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This picture is of Stephanie, who is played by Francesca Capaldi.

Abby's POV
Is it in the job discribtion for FBI agents to be werid? I mean first the trench coat guy, now the short haired guy. What the hell is up with them.

"Ok kiddies, it treat Tuesday" Katie says in a baby voice.
"I'm only 2 years younger then you" Miguel glares at her.
"I've started puberty! I'm not a kid any more" Ryan adds.

Treat Tuesday is kind of a tradition. Most Tuesday's after school we go to Carla's Café. She is this sweet old lady who owns this old-ish fashioned café. We spend about an hour there on Tuesday. I don't know why or how it started, but yeah, it's a thing now.

As we walk in we get greeted by Carla and head to our usual seats.

"I presume you'll have the usual dears?" Carla asks us.
"Yes please" we all smile.
"Coming right up then dears" she walks towards the kitchen.

When the bell over the door rings, signalling more customers, I look over in curiosity.

Ever heard the phrase curiosity killed the cat?

Well my heart nearly stopped beating seeing the newcomers. It's the FBI agents, including the creepy trench coat one. It's like they are following me, well the probably aren't following me, but seeing them everywhere is messing with my anxiety. I turn back to my table, and try to ignore them.

"Ok dears, one apple pie for Miguel" Carla places it in front of him, "chocolate Sunday for Ryan, chocolate orange cheesecake for Katie and last but not least red velvet cheesecake for Abby. Enjoy"
"We always do Carla" Miguel says.

I tuck in to my cheesecake. While I'm eating however I get the feeling like I'm being stared at. Turning I see the agent's heads snap down quickly, apart from trench coat guy. He is still staring, until the short hair agent, agent Smith I think, punches his arm and whispers something to him, making him put his head down.

These guys are officially creeping me the frick out.

"Is anyone else creeped out by the FBI guys?" I ask turning back. As soon as I do though I can feel the stares again.
"Nope. I think there rather hot though" Katie says.
"Ewww Katie! They are old enough to be your father or something" I make a face and she rolls her eyes at me.
"Why do they creep you out?" Ryan asks.
"I swear, it's like they're following me".
"Your just being paranoid Ab's" Katie sighed.
"They're probably hungry after the long day. This is one of the best places in town so someone probably recommended it" Miguel tried to reassure me.

Makes sense, but doesn't explain the weirdness or the staring.


Dean's POV
We decided to get Cas before heading out for pie, don't want to leave him on his own for longer then needed. He's like a puppy, not train yet. Plus it give us a chance to change out of the monkey suits.

"Ok, now let's get some pie" I say heading for the door.
"It's just molecules, I don't understand how it tastes nice" Cas says.

I just shake my head. Sam grabs his laptop and the files we have on the case and follows me out of the room.


I park baby in the parking lot of a small café/dinner place. We walk in and sit down at a table. I immediately look at the pies on the menu.

"Errr Dean" Sam says.
"Yeah" I don't take my eyes off the menu.
"Your errrr...... daughter's here" he says and that gets my attention.

He nods his head towards a table. Looking over I see Abigail and the kids she lives with. On old lady places some food on there table and walks away. She's sat to far away to be able to hear her conversation.

She suddenly turns around and looks in our direction. Me and Sam quickly look away, though I see Cas still staring at her out of the corner of my eye. I punch his arm to get his attention and tell him to stop looking at her.

I look back up at her when I feel her eyes leave us. I still can't get over the fact that I have a kid.

"What can I get you gentlemen?" The old lady asks.
"Coffee, your bacon burger and fries. And some apple pie" I say.
"I'll just have water and a salad, thank you" Sam replies.
"What about you dear" she turns to Cas.
"I am fine thank you" he says.
"Ok, I'll be back with your food soon" she walks off.

I return my gaze to Abigail. I feel like a creeper, but I can't help it. She's mine, my blood. I don't even remember who her mother could be. Once this case is finished I'll have to get Sam to see what he can dig up.

"Ok. So even though the victims were missing their hearts it can't be a werewolf because it doesn't line up with the Luna cycle" Sam says after opening his laptop' "it could be witches doing some kind of ritual or a spirt or demon or lots of things".
"We'll go to the morgue tomorrow and see the bodies. Maybe they'll tell us more about what we're dealing with" I say turning back to him.

The old lady returns with our drinks. I notice Sam sneaking glances towards Abigail.

"What?" I ask, turning to Abigail to see what he was looking at.
"I just can believe you have a kid. That I have a niece" he mutters.
"You're not on your own, trust me".
"What are you going to do?"
"Dean, don't you think you should at least tell h-".
"No. She is safer here, not knowing about me".
"That's not true. She would be safest by your side where y-".
"No Sam she's not. Maybe a couple of years ago she would have. But not now. End of".

I hear Sam sigh in anger but I don't care, the bottom line is, my daughter isn't safe with me.

"Here you go gentlemen" the old lady places our food down, "enjoy".
"Thank you" Sam smiles as I tuck into my burger.


Once I finish my burger, I start eating my pie. Man, it's a good pie. Sam is doing some nerdy stuff on his laptop and Cas is being Cas and just looking out the window.

I turn my head when I hear scrapping of chairs. Abigail and the other kids are getting up to leave. The old lady walks over to them and is giving them hugs.

"See you next week dears" she says as the walk towards the door.
"Yep" the oldest boy says.
"Bye Carla" the brunette girl waves.

The door dings as they walk out. I watch them walk to their car, get in and drive off. I sigh and return to my pie.

"So, how do we get rid of whatever it is killing the girls" Cas speaks.
"Well when we find out what is killing, we then find out why and go from there" Sam says.
"Let's get back to the motel and see what else we can dig up. Maybe the school is haunted" I say finishing my pie.

I leave the money on the table and we walk out the cafè. I get behind baby's steering wheel as Sam and Cas get in, the I drive off back to the motel.

Sorry this chapter isn't very long, I'm having a bit of writers block :/

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