Star Gazing (H20Vanoss)

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Yet again I was hit by the feels trains and it hurt! So in dedication to the train you get yet another sad and short one-shot. Enjoy having your hearts broken! Also this is like really short, so deal with the long note to make up for it :).
It was yet another beautiful night, me and Evan curled up under a blanket together under the stars.

We held hands and would point a constellation. Each time we went he could always point out more constellations with me. With every constellation he'd say something he loved about me, and every time the list got bigger and bigger.

Tonight he named almost 40. Sometimes I wondered if he just made up a constellation so he could have more time to say what he loved about me.

It was the time in the night were we just we cuddled under the stars. Holding hands, while I was blushing like a tomato.

"Love you, Jonathan" he said.

"Love you, too Evan," I replied with a smile.

Soon we fell into a peaceful sleep, both of us happy for the first time in a while.

When I woke up I was in my bed, without him beside me.

It was then I remembered that he passed away a few weeks ago.

It was because if a car accident and my last words to him were a song.

"You are my sunshine,"

I sing as tears ran down my face. He was suffering from internal bleeding and had a very low chance of survival.

"My only sunshine,"

He was smiling. Evan was smiling as he held my hand. As he was about to leave me and this world forever.

"You m-make me happy, when skies are grey,"

I kept going, even though my voice was cracking.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you,"

I could feel his grip slipping from my hand.

"So please don't take my sunshine away,"

I finished while staring into his now closing brown eyes.

"I love you Jonathan," were his last words.

Not soon after that I started sobbing. His words reminded me of the night we went star gazing. The wonderful nights where he would lot everything he loved about me. And I just realized I never got to list everything I love about him.

So instead I have decided to say those things, not under a beautiful sky.

But above his grave.

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