Chapter 10: A Dream come True

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    The big question now was... Why would a biography of my father be in here? What the heck is Sebastian planning? Whatever all this was about, I just hoped my father would be okay. I looked out the window and noticed the how late it's gotten. A carriage had just arrived to the manor. As I looked closer, I noticed it was Sebastian and Ciel. Crud! I hurried and put everything back to the way it was. Then I closed the door. I tried to lock it with my Bobby pin, hoping it would lock and with my luck, it did. I sighed in relief and began walking to my room. I sprawled out on top on my bed face down. I've never realized how comfortable this is till now. My body sank into the blankets as I slipped off my dress. All I had on was a white bra and black panties. This was probably the time to take a shower and clean off.

Luckily, I had a shower in my room so I threw my bra off. The second I took that off, was the moment my door opened and Sebastian stood there.

    "What the heck?! Out! Knock first!" I yelled at him at him as I ran over towards him and slammed the door in front of him. My face was 50 shades of red because of how embarrassing that was. Well, I'm leaving tonight and I am not coming back, so I won't need to see him again. I took off my panties and turned on the water in the shower. Damn this water gets warm quickly, I thought as my hand ran threw the water. I hopped in and washed myself.

Sebastian's POV:

    I planned open (Y/N)'s door to tell her that I was leaving soon and that I wasn't sure if I was going to see her again, but instead I opened the door to find an almost fully naked girl. I was completely speechless and didn't move a muscle. But damn did she have one hell of a body. Too bad, u may not see her again. I sighed to myself as I walked over to my room to pack my bag. Something looks... Off... I feel like something or someone has been in here... I looked around for any clues... My windows were shut, the vents were sealed, there's no hole in the walls, floor, or ceiling... Nothing seemed to be stolen or lost, so maybe it's okay. But if there is any more suspicion, I'll have to investigate more.

    I heard a a bell ring from Ciel's room. Looks like I'm needed as usual. I hurried over to the young master's room and knocked on the door, then entered.

    "Yes, my lord?" I approached him as I bowed down before him.

    "I know I said we would leave tonight, but I'm completely exhausted and I don't think I'll have any energy on this trip. So,I'm retiring for the night." He told me with a dull voice, obviously tired. I smirked a little and walked towards him to carry him in my arms.He crashed the second he crawled into my arms. I do have to admit that he is an adorable sleeper. I opened his door and lied him down on his bed and quickly undressed him. Then, I put on his night shirt and pulled back the covers on his bed to lie the young master down. As I pulled the covers over him, I heard him mumble something.

    "Don't leave till I'm asleep for sure." He said twice. He was so tired, he couldn't remember what he said. My stomach ached and my head started pounding. The pain only got worst. I held onto myself and stated with Ciel until he was deep in his sleep.

Readers POV:

    I finished my last shower here and I put in some fresh clothes. Unfortunately, the only clothes available to me were dresses. Well, I guess it'll have to do for now. I dropped the towel and put on some fresh panties and a bra. I opened the closet and noticed there was only one white dress. I couldn't let my father see my in any color, but I didn't want him to see me in a wedding gown... I had no choice but to wear the wedding gown. It was a perfect fit. Slim around me and the texture was a nice silky feeling. Luckily, there were long sleeves on the dress that tightened perfectly around my wrists. The only problem was that it was too long. I could trip or the dress could get caught. I'll just have to gentle with it, I guess. I sighed as I looked out the window. Here it goes.

    It was a long jump out the window, so there was no way I would jump, but I did tie a bunch of dresses together and ties one end to the edge of the bed and threw the other end our the window. There was about a foot or two I'd have to jump, but I was okay with that. I began climbing out my window and down all the dresses. I jumped down onto my feet safely and began sprinting to anywhere that wasn't here. I had on the black flats I wore yesterday and some white socks, so when I see my dad, I can quickly throw the shoes off.

    I ran until I got tired and sat in alley. Who was going to in an alley in the middle of the night, right? I rested against a brick wall and closed my eyes, just to re-open them when I heard a noise. I heard... Men? It sounded familiar... It wasn't my father or Sebastian, no was it Ciel... I looked and it was the three men from a dream I had a couple days ago. I got up and ran and just to my luck they caught up and grabbed me with a tight grip. I screamed.

    "Let go of me! Please!" I begged them just as I remembered in my nightmare. "I'll do anything! I promise!" I continued. The men laughed and one came up to me, jabbing me hard in the stomach. I was weak and fell limp in the men's grip. They carried me to a car and tree me in. I curled up into a ball next to the exact same guy with scars everywhere in my nightmare. I'm frightened and I don't know what to do. I only hoped that Sebastian would be here by now. I know I was suppose escape, but I'm either dead for good, or I plan another time to escape.

    "Great job, gentlemen. This is the one alright. She'll grant us wishes and we can become richer than the queen herself." The man with scars stated. The queen?! I should've gone to her! My father work for her! I just have to find a way to get there... Why didn't I think of this sooner? I questioned myself.

    "Boss, should I drive to our hideout?" The driver asked his boss who appears to be the man who explained that I give out so called "wishes."

    "Yes. Go now while I play with our angel." Their boss said with a smirk on his face as he stared me directly in the eyes. I gulped with fear. I shouldn't be too scared, right? Because Sebastian was coming any second.

    The car drove off and speeded to their hide out. Scary man next to me is getting a little too close to me and I'm starting to shiver. He held his hand out towards me and began unzipping my dress, which was unnecessary because I didn't even have to zip this to get it on, so if he's going to take my dress off, why not just slip it off? But, I wasn't going to say anything to encourage him. He continued with unzipping and slipped his hand where my breast are. I slapped him hard, once he did that, but I surely regretted that. I left a slight red mark. He was obviously pissed off and pinned me to the seat by my neck. I couldn't breath.

    "NOBODY SLAPS ME!" He yelled at me as his muscles tightened around my throat. I was banging on the back seat, begging for air. He releases me and I gasped for air instantly as I rubbed my throat gently. Any time now Sebastian! Soon, the driver slammed on the breaks.

    "We are here, boss." The driver announced. Oh Sebastian, please hurry! I'm begging you! I thought to myself, pleading.

(Hey guys, so I won't be able to write too much within the next week due to finals testing in school. But please enjoy the story and I will try to get the next chapter going ASAP!)

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