Chapter 12: What a Night

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I woke up not remembering when I even fell asleep. I looked next to me and saw Sebastian there, sleeping. His arms were wrapped around me while my head laid across his chest. I looked over to an alarm clock and saw it was only 2:00am. I might as well get back to sleep. I turned over back to face Sebastian. I stroked his silky hair to the side and kissed his cheek. He seemed to be colder than usual and much paler. Was it me or does he seem... Skinnier? He was a demon so he didn't have a pulse to check. His uniform for the day was still on.

I just hope he is still o-... Wait, no. No, I don't. I can't. But maybe... Just this once? I fought myself continuously over what was right and what's wrong. Tears ran down the sides of my face. Why did this have to happen to me.... Out of everybody, why did it have to be me?!

"Why?!" I accidentally screamed out. A hand smoother than water brushes my tears away. I looked up and Sebastian my smirking.

"Because you're the only one who holds wishes, or should I say held wishes." Sebastian said to me.

"W-what..." I asked. What is he talking about? Held? But nobody stabbed my other wing and nobody made a wish.

"You can't hold wishes if you're not an angel." He spoke again. What is he talking about?! I am an angel! What did he do to me?! "You're in love with a demon. You've kissed me. Just look at your wing." He finished.

"What?" I stayed confused.lMy wing... I couldn't even see my- what the hell?! I turned my head to see that my once pure white wing was turning black. Half was already as dark as Sebastian's hair. I felt my heart shatter inside. Did this mean he only did all that to tear me apart and break all those wishes? Did he even love me? More tears shed down my cheeks and I turned away from him, still in bed.

"What is the problem, (Y/N)?" He asked like he actually cares, but I know he really doesn't care. He just enjoys watching me suffer. I stood up wearing only my bra and panties and a blanket wrapped around me.

"Stop. Just stop. Now I know that you don't love me. All you desired was to watch me fall. My father was right. Demons have no emotions! They just enjoy watching others fall for the trick over and over again! You're right about one thing. I did love you, but I see that I'm just a fool for thinking a demon could love! I need to leave. I'm finding my father and hoping he can fix my mistake." I said with tears streaming one after another as they crashed onto the ground.

"Wait, (Y/N)." He said as I walked over to the closet to find some clothes before I leave. "You've got the wrong idea. I do love you, but I didn't want anyone else to take advantage of you for what you have to offer. Trust me when I say that. Don't go though... I was told demons couldn't feel any emotions, but I do. (Y/N)..." Sebastian said. Why were there only dresses in here?! I sighed and walked towards him with red watery eyes. I hugged him closely. He kissed my head. "I love you, (Y/N)" Sebastian confessed.

"What do I do?" I asked, upset. "Please Sebastian. Don't play games with me. If you love me, then tell me what to do." I said with complete honesty.

"Come with me tomorrow. I'm going to Japan to look for a rare plant to keep me alive. I'll need your help in getting it." He answered. Go? My entire wing was almost completely black and I needed to get back to heaven. Decisions were never my cup of tea.

"I... I don't know..." I responded. "I need to get back to heaven and see my dad. He's probably worried to death about me." I said.

"Of course, but if you go back, you'll never remember me or any of this. It'll be as if you've always been in heaven and never left. Is that what you want? Tell me now, so I can decide what to do." He told me. Never remember any of this? Maybe that would be a good thing. Maybe I can get my dad to let me stay here and love a demon. If I can prove that I'll be fine with w demon and that he'll never hurt me, then I think I tabs a chance.

"I'll go with you, but pull any tricks on me and you'll regret it." I threatened. I was serious about that too. He smirked.

"Of course, my dear." He held me closer, rubbing my bare back. "Let's get you some watch clothes. Perhaps some leggings and a long shirt." He suggested, getting up and going through my closet.

"I already looked in there for clothes. There are only dresses." I told him as he pulled out some black leggings and a long Crimson hoodie/shirt. "What the heck?! I just checked the closet!" I yelled, running over to the closet to see the back of the closet open as well and more options of clothes are hidden there. "You're kidding me..." I said.

"Not kidding. Well, there you are. It's about 3:30am, so we can sleep for about an hour more." He said. Sweet. One more hour of sleep. I took the clothes from him and threw them on. "Cute." He commented as I blushed.

"Sebastian... May I ask why you're skinnier and paler than usual?" I asked. I didn't want to be rude, but I felt I had a right to know, if that makes sense.
"I'm dying and I will continue to get skinnier till I have no skin left." He said. Well... That's kind of creepy.

"Well, I guess I have no choice but to help you. I can't let you disappear from me." I said as I climbed into bed. He gave a small smile as he hopped in bed. His smile actually looked like a friendly nice smile. I crawled over to him and snuggled closely. Then I had remembered something. "I thought demons don't sleep..." I said to him and he grinned.

"They don't." He had a huge smirk on his face. "Thanks for the kiss. Should I turn the other cheek?" He offered, turning to the other side of his face I hadn't laid my lips on.

"You really are a demon." I said with a playful glare. I kissed his other cheek and held closely into him. He gave a smirk and soon enough I was out like a light. I just prayed father would understand.

(So I have over 80 likes and 3 followers! It doesn't seem like much to many people, but I just started, so give me a break. Please continue to like and follow me! Love you all, thank you!)

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