Chapter 14: Japan

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Readers POV:

    "Yes, we are." I said with a small giggle. He's so adorable. Just the fact that he is impatient and so mature for his age at the the same time is funny.

    "Thank you." He said, leaving me in his room. Man... This is one hell of a room. The bed looked like you couldn't leave and the windows are crystal clear. You can't even tell it's a window. Instead, it just looks as if there were square holes in the wall. Everything is simple, yet still amazes me somehow.

    Shortly after admiring the room, I looked down and realized my night clothes were still on. Rushing to my room, I opened my closet to all the available dresses and picked out a (f/c) cocktail dress with sleeves. The dress was a lace up and I couldn't reach it. I headed out of my room to smell breakfast served. It took me a moment to realize I didn't have shoes on.

    "Hurry up (Y/N)! We need to get on the road now!" I heard my name being called by Sebastian. I rushed back to my room and put on a cute pair of (f/c) flats to match my dress. Quickly, I ran down the stairs and tripped on the last couple stairs, falling on top of Sebastian.

    "I'm so sorry, Sebastian!" I apologized, getting off him. I helped him up and damn is he light. Like, really light. It was as if Ciel weighed more and Ciel doesn't even weigh that much. Maybe 70lbs?

    "It's alright." He reassured me, leading us all to the carriage as the other servants carried out luggage. I sat in the carriage along with Ciel and Sebastian while Tanaka directed the horses to the airport.

*Mini Time skip*

    After about 4 hours, we have finally arrived and I think it's safe to say I slept the entire ride here. I woke up on my own when I heard the carriage door open. Tanaka helped us all out, including Sebastian. It's a shame I never got to see the old man too often, considering he was always in his miniature form, but I'm sure he has a life outside of his job. Or maybe he is just a simple butler. Whatever it is, I wish I had gotten the time to get to know him more.

    "Thank you, Tanaka." I bowed, grabbing my suit case. From there Tanaka left with the carriage and the three of us rolled our luggage inside.

*Mini Time skip*

    "Passengers, we will be taking off shortly. Please follow the instructions on the screen in front of you." The pilot announced over the intercom. Ciel managed to get us first class seats and I sit in between Ciel and Sebastian. Ciel was out like a light and his head fell onto my shoulder. He's so adorable when he's asleep. I stroked his hair a couple times before realizing Sebastian was a little jealous. His face was turned so I didn't see, but I could tell he was. I stroked his raven soft hair as well. Soon enough I had both of their head on my shoulder. Heat rose up my face quickly.

    The plane rushed up into the sky and before I knew it, we were cruising in the air. I took out some gum and chewed it to put my ears at ease. I gave Sebastian a piece as well.

    "Thank you." Sebastian acknowledged before chewing the gum I gave him. I looked back over to Ciel who was still asleep. Ciel was the type of person I just want to watch over and protect. The funny thing is, I don't even know why. When he is awake, he's so mature and grown up, but when he is asleep, he looks so innocent and pure. Who could not love him? I stroked his hair more before turning to Sebastian and kissed his cheek.

    "I'm gonna sleep now." I said more casual than usual. I felt a skeleton like hand intertwine with my hand and looked down at the two connected hands to see one gloved. I took off the glove and his hand had the thinnest of flesh attached with Ciel's contract still on the back of his palm. Our two hands became one again as I drifted to sleep.

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