Chapter 11: A Kiss

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"You cut her wings off." He said. My eyes widened in shock. Is that why I fell from heaven? Is that why the red haired man cut my wing off? It was all for a couple of wishes! Perhaps, that's why father wouldn't let me come down here.

"You're sure it's this angel?" The black haired man asked as the man with the knife was about to stab me.

"Yes! Stop asking questions! I know she's it and if for some reason she isn't it, we will just throw her away." The man said. The black hair man held on top is stomach and backed against the wall. That couldn't be... No, it's not. He wouldn't come for me before!

"No name!" The man who was close to stabbing me yells. "Stop being weak and get a hold of yourself!" He yelled again at the man he called no name... His hair began to get much messier than what is was and looked more like Sebastian's hair. He got up and punched the brown haired man hard and kicked the Han with the knife down. The knife fell sharp into my back. I screamed loudly as I the felt sharp pain enter my spine and felt cold blood exit my body. It was Sebastian. There was no doubt about that. Sebastian picked my naked body up and carried me out. He tries to run but seemed too weak to do even that. He hid in a different alley and took his shirt off and damn did he have some abs. He put the shirt on me and of course, it covered my whole body. I had tears streaming down my cheek as the knife was still through me.

"Don't worry, it'll be out as soon as we get home. If I take the knife out now, your blood will pour out." Sebastian told me, wiping off the make up on his face so I could see it was him for sure. He held me close and walked quickly back to the manor. My arms were wrapped around his neck and my head lied against his bare chest. When we arrived to the mansion, he took me to my room and lies me face down onto my bed. He lifted my shirt and yanked the knife out as he quickly covered my mouth to muffle the sound of my scream. The knife had landed right next to my wing. That was a little too close. I heard Sebastian sigh.

"What is it?" I question him. Obviously he seemed disappointed that something didn't go his way. Maybe he is upset that I left.

"It's nothing. I would sound selfish." He said. Selfish... I automatically saw interest in what he was talking about.,

"I don't care, tell me." I demanded.

"I was hoping they had stabbed your other wing off, so we would have no choice but to cut the rest of the wing off." He told me straight forward. I smacked him hard across the face and he didn't even make an attempt to stop me. "My apologies." He finished saying.

"Apologies?! You knew about this whole wish thing and didn't tell me anything?! No to mention, you wanted me for that?! Why?!" I scolded him. He didn't seem to be too effected by this. I was about to continue, but he covered my mouth, which only made my anger worsen.

"I know you're mad, which is why I didn't want to tell you, but please don't yell. At least not while the young master is asleep or in this building." Sebastian requested. I calmed down and breathed in deeply.

"You're right." I confessed. "But I'm not apologizing for yelling or for smacking you. You deserve that." I said still a little mad about the reason I did that. As my thoughts travelled on, I noticed Sebastian was getting really close to me. "Ummm... Sebastian...." I tried to stop him from getting any closer. He cupped my face. I felt so tempted to kiss him, but I know my dad would be furious. Well, what he doesn't know can't hurt him right? I'm such a horrible person. Time is running out and I need to decide!

His lips were so close to mine and soon enough they touched. My eyes widened for a while. He bit my lip asking for an entrance and at first I didn't allow it, but I couldn't resist so I let him and his tongue slither between my lips and touched mine. I let out a sight moan and felt he was smirking on the inside. My arms wrapped around his neck and I pulled him onto me. Damn, he was heavy... But I didn't care. We were in my guest bedroom making out while my blood leaked onto the bed. I pulled away.

"Sebastian... My blood is still running out and I can't move much." I said with a small smile on my face still thinking about our kiss. He arose off of me and left silently. Ummm. Is he coming back? I just laid there knowing if he just left, that I would lay here with no blood and eventually not see the light of day anymore. Luckily, that wasn't the case. Instead, Sebastian returned with a descent size medical kit and opened it.

"You're always getting hurt somehow." He said with a light chuckle. What's that suppose to mean? Of course I get hurt. I'm- or I was human... I thought to myself as he came over with the same wrap, just as last time. Then began wrapping me. When he finished he wiped me down.

"Thank you..." I said not even paying attention to what I was saying. Our eyes were glued on each other. Sebastian came in close again and kissed me. I kissed back. Why.... Why do I love him? This isn't right! If this is so wrong, then why does it feel right? I pulled away and noticed I had my arms around him again.

"Is something wrong?" Sebastian asked, showing concern on his face.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this. I'm an angel and you're a demon. I have to leave now. You wouldn't understand." I left off saying as I backed away.

"(Y/N), you already broke the rules and you've left already. Let's just continue." Sebastian told me. But I couldn't continue. I felt horrible as if I had just back stabbed my father.

"I didn't leave! Some red head guy cut my wing off and I came falling!" I said yelling at him. Why am I blamed for everything? Maybe I'm over exaggerating, but still.

"Red head... Oh... Grell." Sebastion said a little irritated as he placed his fingers on his forehead. Grell? He knows this guy?! Okay, Sebastian really needs to explain more.

"Who is Grell?" I asked.

"Grell is a female reaper who is obsessed over me." He spoke again. I seem to constantly forget Grell is a female considering she does not sound like a female or dress like one.

"Then why is she after me and why did she cut off my wing?" I asked him assuming he knew everything. I mean, he acts like he does, so obviously he must know.

"Most lucky to wish for me to love her. If there is anything Grell desires, it's Ciel's death and to marry me. Unfortunately, I have no interest in her whatsoever." He answered me. Are wishes all in good for?

"Do you just want my wishes?" I asked him, thinking that's all he would desire of me.

"No. I don't want anything to do with your wishes. I just ask that we continue making out or I could punish you for leaving." He told me. That was a hard choice. Punishment for a demon or an angel. Well... Demons are in hell for a reason. I let out a sigh.

"Fine, but we don't ever speak if this again and I want to be on top of you because you weigh too much." I said.

"Okay." Sebastian smirked and picked me up. "Hold on to me tightly." He demanded. I listened and took his advice by tightening my grip on him as he pulled back the covers and fell onto the bed. We kissed me again and next thing you know, we were making out.

(Well, that's this chapter. I hope I was able to explain enough info about the whole Grell situation. Remember! I am open to suggestions and if you have a question to be ask! That helps a lot! Thanks for reading and there will be more to read! Please like and follow me! Thanks!)

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