Notes And The Prima Donna Is Back

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Hey guys, here is the next chapter for you! So please remember to vote, review and look up my Polyvore to see what clothes Brie is wearing. As for now, please enjoy this chapter.

Also, I don't own anything except my OC Brie.

3rd POV

Erik was sitting in front of his organ as he was trying to write more music for his opera Don Juan. However, no music or lyrics were in his head right now. All he could think about was his angel Brie. He was furious that she ripped his mask off his face. How dare she do that to him! Nevertheless, what shocked him the most was that she apologized for what she did to him. He even remembered what she said to him.

Brie was looking right into his eyes as she said, "I shouldn't have taken the mask from you. I was so stupid and I wasn't thinking straight. You were so kind to me and I really messed up. I hope you can forgive me?"

Never in his life had anyone apologized to him. Why should she apologize to him? Perhaps she was scared he might do something drastic to her, so she thought if she apologized to him he wouldn't hurt her. He remembered the horror and sadness in her eyes. Erik sighed as he placed his head into his hands. How can he make things right again and not have his angel scared of him? He was getting more frustrated every second thinking about Brie and how he scared his angel. His temper got the best of him as he slammed a candle stand down. Papers scattered and flew everywhere. Erik took a deep breath to calm himself down and think. He looked to his right to see the model of the next production called "Il Muto." He smirked as a brilliant idea came to him. He knew exactly how to launch Brieanna's career even more.

Brie's POV

It felt like hours since Erik brought me back to the Prima Donna room. Currently I was sitting on the very pink prima donna bed drowning in my thoughts. I kept remembering what happened down in the lair and I felt like I made it worse. I mean, think about it! I took Christine's place; Erik is interested in me and not her. There is no love triangle and I am ruining the story plot! Plus I keep remembering my family and friends from my world. I really miss my mom, dad, and Amber. Half of me wants to stay here in the phantom's world and half of me wants to go home. What am I going to do?

All my thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock at the door. I jumped up from the bed startled.

"Who is it," I asked meekly.

"Brieanna, are you in there," I heard Christine call out.

I immediately ran to the door and opened it. Standing behind the door was Christine, Meg, and Madame Giry. I noticed that Christine and Meg were relieved to see me, but Madame Giry had a look like she knew what had happened. I remembered she saw Erik lock the Prima Donna room in the movie, so she most definitely knew what had happened.

To my surprise, a body slammed into me and two arms warped around me. Christine was hugging me like she thought I was gone forever.

"Thank goodness you are ok. I was so worried about you," said Christine as she kept squeezing the life out of me.

"I'm sorry I scared you, but Christine... I... can't... breathe," I barely said.

Christine immediately let me go and apologized as she lowered her head in shame.

Meg gave me a quick hug and said, "You've been missing all night and most of the morning. Christine and I have been worried about you."

I looked up to see Madame Giry walk up to me. She looked right into my eyes to see if something had happened to me.

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