Reality Or A Dream

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Hey guys, what's up? Sorry, this chapter wasn't posted earlier. I had a long day. I do hope you'll like this chapter! So please, remember to vote, review and look up my Polyvore to see what clothes Brie is wearing. As for now, please enjoy this chapter.

Also, I don't own anything except my OC Brie.

"Brieanna," cried out Erik.

"Brie," screamed out Amber.

"Brieanna, my love!"

"Brie, can you hear me?"

I could hear two voices calling out to me; one voice was a male, while the other voice was a female voice. All I could see around me was complete darkness. I felt my body start to shake, but not from the cold or from fear. I looked straight in front of me to see a small, white light. I raised my right arm, trying to reach for the light. All of a sudden, I heard a soft noise... BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!

"She's waking up! Go get Dr. Graham," I heard a voice call out.

I forced my heavy eyes to slowly open up, but I cringed when my eyes stared right into the bright light. I slowly realized that I was lying on a bed with white sheets. I looked to my left to see a lady in a white uniform standing near my bed.

"Sweetie, can you hear me,' she asked me.

My eyes widen and I looked around the room looking for someone; someone very specific that came to my mind. Where is he and where am I? I looked back at the lady, who was waiting for me to talk. I wanted to answer her, but my throat was too dry. I tried to speak, but my words started to swerve.


She looked confused before asking, "What, what are you trying to say?"

"Errrr... Erriikk..." I tried to say again.

She stopped me from speaking. She placed her hand on my left shoulder and said, "Hold on, let me get you some water."

I watched her leave the room to fetch me some water. I slowly looked around the room and I was shocked what I saw. The room was filled with flowers (mostly red roses), get well cards, teddy bears, and so on. I looked over to my nightstand to see a picture of myself and Amber posing in our costumes for the play Peter Pan. I was an Indian while she was a mermaid. I gradually reached over to pick up the get well card that was next to the picture. My hands started to shake as I read the letter.

"Dear Brie-Brie,

You better wake up and get better soon! The last 3 weeks has not been fun for me. From worrying about you to Megan's constant complaining! AGAIN, I DON'T KNOW WHY I HAVE TO PRETEND TO BE HER BFF WHEN YOU ARE MY BFF! The directors, cast, crew, and your parents are worried sick about you. Megan on the other hand... let's just say, I want to throw bricks at her. I am praying that you will wake up soon so you can convince those stupid directors that you should play Christine and not the witch! I love you bff!


My hands started to shake and my eyes started to water up. I realized that I was truly back to my time... but wait, was the whole phantom experience real... or was it a dream? In Amber's card, it stated that I was "asleep" for 3 weeks. I don't remember what happened after... oh wait; I remember slipping in the dressing room.

I looked up to see the nurse walk in with my water, but she was not alone. My eyes widen when I saw my mom and my dad walk into the room. Without a second thought, my mom ran up to me and hugged me to death while crying her eyes out. My dad slowly walked into the room, trying to not cry himself. I felt my mom petting my hair and kissing my forehead repeatedly.

"Brie, thank heaven you are alright. I thought you were never going to wake up," cried my mom as she continued to sob into my shoulder.

I tried not to be an emotional wreck as I replied, "I am so sorry Mom. I didn't mean to scare you."

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