The Music Is Never Over

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Here it is guys, the last chapter for this story. It is bittersweet for me to write this chapter. However, as you know, there will be a sequel! Remember, it might be a while before the sequel is up, because of my work and I need to be back to my Merlin and Narnia stories. I will let you all know when the sequel is up! Don't forget to vote and review!

Also, I don't own anything except my OC Brie.

"Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me; once in a while please promise me you'll try. When you find that, once again, you long to take your heart back and be free - if you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me," sang out Megan.

I thought two months, two agonizing months of practicing in "The Megan Show." After I was released from the hospital, I told Amber everything. I told her how I tripped into the standing mirror and how I woke up in the phantom world. I told her how I was Christine's sister and how Erik fell in love with me, singing at THE Opera Populair, and much more. At first she too thought it was a dream, but she started to think maybe it wasn't a dream too.

All my friends, cast members (except for Megan), and including my director, came over to visit me to see how I was doing. One of my friends Zoey, who plays Carlotta in the musical, said that the practice had been ok, but was not the same without me. She said everyone was so worried about me; it was hard to practice the show.

After a week of staying home, bed resting mostly, I decided to return to The Phantom of the Opera musical. It took some convincing from my parents, but I was kind of happy to return to the community theater. I told them that I made a commitment and I didn't want to let myself and everyone down.

I stood back stage in my costume waiting for my cue. When the music started to play again, I rushed on stage and handed Megan her wrap for her costume. I skipped back to stage right and nearly bumped into Amber. I could tell she was about to lose it because her face was starting to turn red and her hands are starting to shake.

"Breath in the good air and breath out the bad air. Breath in the good air and breath out the bad air," mumbled Amber.

"You ok," I asked her while touching her shoulder.

She looked right at me and said sarcastically, "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just having a glorious time hanging out with my new 'BFF.' Yeah actually, she didn't even apologize for purposely pushing me away while we were doing our dance number in the beginning."

I rolled my eyes before I looked back at Megan as she continued to sing out, "We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea - but if you can still remember stop and think of-"

Before she could sing her last note, something drastic happened. She looked up and screamed as a sandbag fell down from the catwalk and slammed right into her head. I gasped in shock as I saw Megan fall right to the ground. People started screaming, panicking, and running to Megan's aid. I was stiff as a board and could not move. The sandbag came out of nowhere and it was like déjà-vu all over again.

I came out of my shock as I ran on stage and looked up at the catwalk. Was it really an accident? Was it one of the old ropes? Did someone forget to tighten the ropes? Or did... did someone let the sandbag go on purpose? I didn't see anything or anyone up in the catwalk at all. I was startled when I felt someone touched my shoulder. I turned around to see it was Danny, who plays the Phantom.

"You alright Brie," he asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Is Megan ok?"

We both looked to see some of the actors assisting the now unconscious Megan, while others were calling 911. Amber was silently laughing at the situation and calling it karma. I thought she was taking it a little too far. About 3 minutes later, Megan started waking up. It was then I saw that she had a long cut on her forehead. Megan placed her hand on her head when she felt something. She slowly looked at her hand to see there was some blood. Megan demanded a mirror and she grabbed the hand mirror out of one of the dancer's hands. It took her a few seconds before she shrieked.

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