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Now I shall be ranting about:

Body Modification Shaming!

I feel that body modifications are a form of self expression. People should have the right to get piercings, tattoos, surgeries... Basically whatever the fuck they want. (as long as it's not harmful)

I also feel like people with said modifications shouldn't be judged.

Sadly they are, and that's kind of stupid and immature.

How does it affect you so deeply that someone has a body modification?

Is it hurting you? Most likely not.

Are you better than that person? Most likely not.

So why do people still feel the need to comment on someone's personal decisions that are extremely trivial?

Conversation I had today:

"She has gauges." (referring to girl on TV)

Dad: "who cares? Shut the fuck up about the stupid gauges. She's an adult.  "

Mom: "yeah, they look tacky in her ears. "

To clarify, I brought up the point of gauges because I personally want them.

My parents are against all unique modifications, whether it be piercings, gauges, tattoos, tongue splitting, hair dye, and unique hair cuts.

I had to beg to cut my hair to my shoulders. I had to beg even more to get semi-permanent dye. Even now my parents comment on how they dislike my hair.

Is it your hair? Is it physically ailing you? Does it really even matter?

Hey, if you have body mods, that's rad. I bet you look cool. Sorry if people are dicks to you because of it. That's not rad.

If you want body mods but your parents wont let you, then I feel you.

There's not much else I can say except people can be so fucking judgemental and senseless.




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