about grades

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guys, I knew this the whole time but I kinda took it for granted.

when your parents tell you to do your homework, it's not to be mean. when your teachers tell you that you can do better, it's not to make you feel bad.

these people, they want to see us succeed.

if you don't have anyone pushing you to be better, then you'll be content at mediocrity.

it doesn't matter if it's your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, best friend, favorite teacher, or yourself- you need someone that will be a positive reinforcer on you.

you need someone to push you to be a little better or you'll never learn.

this year I was faced with some challenges: in my coursework, in my social life, in my family and within myself. and I let it get the best of me.

I know it's good to take time for other things besides school, but the things I want in life can't be achieved unless I consistently make good grades and become an outstanding student, not only in grades but in character.

I don't think teachers notice my character because I'm awkward and weird but I'm going to a new school. it's a fresh start.

if you try your hardest and study, you'll do well in school. I promise.

and I know that sounds incredibly cheesy, but how else would I have passed 3 finals with an A and 1 with a B? (I haven't taken one yet)

I was failing algebra for most of the year, but my semester average is an 80. I made an 83 on my final. all I did was believe in myself.

when you believe in yourself, you do better.

if you don't get the grade you wanted, it's okay. and it's okay to feel upset for a bit. but don't linger on it. you'll do better next time around. use that feeling to fuel your determination.

it is okay to feel overwhelmed or stressed with school. take some time to yourself. let it out in a positive way. make sure you still tend to your responsibility but make sure you have a way to let off steam.

my school year started going so much better when I took advantage of my opportunities to go above and beyond. I believed in myself for the most part, studied hard, brought my grades up, and now I'm going into AP world history, AP biology, preAP English 9, and geometry in my freshman year of high school with a greater determination than ever to succeed.

my inbox is always open if you need to talk to someone.

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