The death of a Banshee

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Our dad rushed to the scene with the entire police station. "Dad, we're okay." I said. "I should've been here anyways. I promised you guys, games, concerts, competitions, I promised I'd be there." He said. "It was just a preseason scrimmage, we didn't even tell you about it." Scott said. "But I promised your mom I'd stick around so she couple pick up some double shifts at the hospital. I should've been here boys." My dad said. "You're here now dad." I said as I hugged him. Parrish escorted Violet out of the school. She looked at us and Cole stood in front of me. "is that the weapon?" My dad asked the Sheriff. "It's a thermo cut wire." He answered.

We went in the locker room and went through Garrett's locker. Scott and Sam went through the locker while Liam and I were a look out. After about 10 minutes, we heard footsteps. "I think someone's coming." Liam said. "Hurry." I told the twins. "Did you guys find anything?" He asked. "No, nothing at all." Scott hesitated.

I was with Lydia and Stiles, telling Parrish about the deadpool when Scott texted me. 'Liam's missing.' It read. 'What do you mean?' I replied. 'Garrett did something to him. Don't tell anyone. Only you and Sam know. I gave Mason your number incase he finds him before we do.' He replied.

We headed to Eichen House when Brunski, a evil son of a bitch that works as an orderly there, tried to stop us. He ended up walking away after Parrish told him that he owed a favor since he wasn't turned in for drunk driving. We opened the door and there was Meredith.


Sam, Garrett and I were following the car that had Violet in it. We tried getting our dad to stop from going, but he refused. "There's a stop sign about 1/2 a mile ahead." Garrett said. "So we take the car out with our claws?" Sam asked. "Teeth, claws, heat vision, I don't care. Just stop the car." He said. We were approaching the car when I noticed the car was already ambushed. "Stop. Stop the car!" I yelled. Sam and I ran as soon as we got out of the car. "Violet isn't here." I told Garrett. He didn't care. He was coming towards us when Sheriff Stilinski told us that whatever it was that attacked them, was still there. Garrett taunted the Berserker and before we could save him, he was killed by the other one. We ran towards them when we were both knocked out.


"What do you mean you can't tell us Meredith?" I asked. "We just need the third key." Lydia said. "I can't." She said. "Then why'd you give us the second key?" I asked. "I wanted to help." She said. "And I still want to." She added. "Great. Then give us the third cypher key." Lydia said. "Things have changed I can't." She said. "Why not Meredith?" Stiles asked. "Guys, go easy on her. Please." Parrish said. "I'm sorry, I can't. He doesn't want me to." She said. "Who doesn't?" I asked. "The Benefactor." She said. I got a text from Cole telling me to get to the clinic now. I ran out the door and got on my bike and sped to the clinic. I opened the doors and there were my brothers laying on the operating tables. "Where's our dad and the sheriff?" Sam asked. "They're both at the hospital, and they're fine." Deaton said. "It was Kate. She's responsible for this." Scott said. "We know, but they move fast and don't leave much for tracks." Argent said. "We have to find them. She has Violet and I think she knows where Liam is." Sam said. Deaton asked if we could get a scent from the dagger. We had a plan.

I was in the car with Cole when I heard her scream, Meredith. I covered my ears and it hurt like hell. "Riley?!?!?" Cole called. "Just keep going!" I yelled.

We got to a place called 'Argent Arms.' Cole and I sat in the Camaro and he looked at my ears. "Riley, you're bleeding." He said. I touched my ear and my hand revealed the red liquid dripping from my ears. Scott and Sam came over to the car. "What happened?" Scott asked. "Meredith. She screamed and it hurts like hell." I said. "Wait in the car." Sam said. "No! I'm tired of you two always handicapping me when it comes to fighting. It never fails, as soon as I get a little injury, you guys instantly tell me to wait!" I yelled. "I'm tired of feeling useless." I said quietly. "Riley, we do that to protect you. The day you were born, we instantly made a pact. To never allow you to get hurt. That's what big brothers do." Scott said. "I'm not staying here. I want to help." I said as I opened the door. I went to the back and pulled out my bow and my quiver. Argent looked at me as I walked up. He was holding an assault rifle. "There's my kiddo." He said as he hugged me. "Make anymore arrowheads lately?" He asked. "I had Alex do it. He should be finishing up about now." I told him. He nodded.

We walked in the building. My bow drawn and ready to shoot. "You shouldn't have come." Kate said. We looked around and there was no sign of her. "We're here for Violet. We need to talk to her." Scott said.

We ended up fighting anyway. I was thrown into a wall and I saw her. There was the body of Violet. "VIOLET!" I shrieked. She was our only hope at finding Liam. Kate and the Berserkers left. "We won't find him." Sam said. "We still have time boys." Argent said. I was headed to the car to put my bow away when I heard him scream. "Liam?" I asked. I ran back inside. "Guys, he's still alive, we have to go!" I yelled as I ran out the door. Before I knew it, I was running through the preserve. I came upon a well and there he was. He was about to fall when I reached my hand and caught him. With the help of my brothers, we got him out of the well. He was freezing, almost Hypothermic. "You're okay kid." Sam said. We group hugged him.

We got him to the clinic and I helped Deaton make an incision on Liam's chest. There was a white dust that came out and he stopped breathing so heavy. "I don't want to keep watching people die." Scott said. "Well, I don't think you guys have much of a choice with that." Argent said. "Maybe we do." Sam said. "That's a heavy burden to carry boys." Deaton said. "I don't care. No one else dies." Scott said. "Everyone on that list, I don't care if they're Wendigos, Kitsunes, Werewolves what ever. I'm going to save all of them." Scott said.

I stayed in my room once we got home. Stiles texted me and told me that Meredith was dead. He also told me the last cyper key as well; Derek.

I have decided to do a recast. Riley's character now looks more how I imagined it.

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